TMR 161 : Mark Antonacci : Test the Shroud - At the Atomic and Molecular Levels

MarkAntonacci Hasn't the Shroud of Turin been exposed once and for all as a Mediaeval forgery (albeit the work of an artistic genius) thanks to rigorous carbon-dating tests carried out in the 1980s? Or is there more to be said?

This week we are joined by attorney and author Mark Antonacci, founder and president of Test the Shroud Foundation, for a discussion on his fascinating book Test the Shroud : At the Atomic and Molecular Levels.

Arguing that new scientific tests might contest these findings and reveal the Shroud to be very probably the genuine burial cloth of Jesus Christ, Mark Antonacci proposes a scientifically-testable hypothesis that particle radiation emanating from the shroud-wrapped, crucified body may account for very many of the Shroud's features, such as full-length body images, still-red blood marks, erroneous carbon dating and more. He also describes scientific tests that could be applied to the burial cloth and its human bloodstains that could, he believes, demonstrate whether or not the Shroud was impacted by a miraculous event, when and where it happened, and even the identity of the victim.

Join us as we discuss the issues and debate whether or not his proposals might be fruitful in the ongoing quest to determine the truth about The Shroud of Turin.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 161 : Mark Antonacci : Test the Shroud - At the Atomic and Molecular Levels

TMR 160 : Adeyinka Makinde : Can the British State...? (#2: "Rendition" & "The Troubles")

AdeyinkaMakinde" is sometimes necessary to do unpleasant things which lose a certain amount of allegiance for a moment in order to produce your overall results"—Frank Kitson

This week we conclude our two-part interview with lawyer and university lecturer Adeyinka Makinde on his forthcoming academic paper: "Intelligence Accountability - Can the British State Convict Itself?"

In the first part we discussed Tony Blair's decision to take Britain to war against Iraq in 2003, and considered the prospects for war-crime prosecution under international and domestic law.

In the second part we move on to discuss Britain's role in the US-led "extraordinary rendition" programme—asking to what extent former UK foreign secretary, Jack Straw, and former head of counter-intelligence at MI6, Mark Allen, were involved in that—and end by looking at Britain's counter-insurgency strategy in Northern Ireland, which was initiated in the early 1970s by then Brigadier Frank Kitson.

Adeyinka Makinde trained for the law as a barrister. He lectures in criminal law and public law at a university in London, and has an academic research interest in intelligence & security matters. He is a contributor to a number of websites for which he has written essays and commentaries on international relations, politics and military history. He has served as a programme consultant and provided expert commentary for BBC World Service Radio, China Radio International and the Voice of Russia.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 160 : Adeyinka Makinde : Can the British State...? (#2: "Rendition" & "The Troubles")

TMR 159 : Adeyinka Makinde : Can the British State Convict Itself? (#1: Tony Blair)

AdeyinkaMakinde"But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy"—Downing Street Memo

This week we are joined by the lawyer and university lecturer Adeyinka Makinde for the first part of a fascinating two-part interview centring in his forthcoming academic paper: "Intelligence Accountability : Can the British State Convict Itself?" Focusing on the 2003 Iraq invasion, "extraordinary renditions" and the UK's counter-insurgency strategy in the early years of the Northern Ireland "Troubles", Makinde questions the relationship between morality and "national interest" goals, and probes international and domestic law to make a case for the criminal culpability of high-ranking officials of the British state.

In this first part, Adeyinka Makinde challenges the opinion held by some experts, such as Geoffrey Robertson, that Tony Blair is not eligible to be prosecuted at the International Criminal Court.

Adeyinka Makinde trained for the law as a barrister. He lectures in criminal law and public law at a university in London, and has an academic research interest in intelligence & security matters. He is a contributor to a number of websites for which he has written essays and commentaries on international relations, politics and military history. He has served as a programme consultant and provided expert commentary for BBC World Service Radio, China Radio International and the Voice of Russia.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 159 : Adeyinka Makinde : Can the British State Convict Itself? (#1: Tony Blair)

TMR 157 : James Perloff : The Lusitania - False Flag at Sea?

JamesPerloff"The manœuvre which brings an ally into the field is as serviceable as that which wins a great battle."—Churchill *

This week, as part of our false-flag series, we are joined by the author James Perloff for a discussion on the Lusitania, the famous British ocean liner that was sunk by a German submarine in 1915. Was the Lusitania—and the 1198 passengers and crew who perished with her—simply the victim of a German U-boat torpedo attack? Or did the British government deliberately place the Lusitania in jeopardy in order to attract a German attack in the hope of bringing America into WWI?

James Perloff is author of The Shadows of Power (an exposé of the Council on Foreign Relations that has sold over 100,000 copies), Tornado in a Junkyard and The Case Against Darwin (each challenging Darwinian evolution theory), and most recently Truth Is a Lonely Warrior (investigating the dark spiritual forces behind the drive for world government). For nearly three decades he wrote for The New American magazine.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 157 : James Perloff : The Lusitania - False Flag at Sea?

TMR 155 : Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : On Syria & Washington's Psychopathic WWIII Gamble

PaulCraigRoberts"People say, 'Oh the Cold War's started again.' You hear this constantly from pundits. I wish the Cold War would come back, because the Cold War was very carefully managed; tensions were reduced. We've got the opposite of a Cold War; we've got tensions increased beyond any level they ever existed before."—PCR

We welcome once again Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former US Assistant Secretary to the Treasury for Economic Policy, who joins us to discuss the increasingly dangerous geopolitical tensions focused upon Syria. Dr. Roberts argues that unless the European peoples wake up and refuse to co-operate with Washington's insane neocon policy of "world hegemony"—a co-operation that helps facilitate Washington's illegal wars around the globe—the result will almost inevitably be a thermonuclear WWIII: a war that can have no winners.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 155 : Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : On Syria & Washington's Psychopathic WWIII Gamble

TMR 154: John Booth : Fifteen Years on from 9/11

JohnBooth"The 9/11 terrorists were not just lucky once; they were lucky over and over again."—Mindy Kleinberg (9/11 widow)

This week we are joined by the Yorkshire-born journalist, educator, photographer and political activist John Booth, whose career in journalism has included working for news organisations in Africa, the US and the UK.

John joins us to share something of his intellectual journey into questioning, and then investigating, the events of 9/11, and to discuss his excellent new article recently published by Lobster magazine, "Fifteen Years on from 9/11".

John Booth currently writes for Lobster — — and LAFZ, the magazine for Pakistani diaspora — — and is a founder member of the Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 154: John Booth : Fifteen Years on from 9/11

TMR 153: Mike Hopkins : A Survivor of the New Apostolic Reformation

MikeHopkins"It is not new, it is not apostolic, and it is not a reformation"—John MacArthur *

This week we welcome Mike Hopkins of Fight The Lies Radio, who joins us to discuss the so-called "New Apostolic Reformation", a new religious movement within Christianity that combines (among other things) hyper-charismatic worship, ostensibly-authoritative "apostles" and "prophets", and dominionist teachings.

In the second half Mike shares with us his, and his wife Kelli's, experience of having once been heavily involved in a NAR congregation—an experience characterised by increasing discomfort, leading to their eventual decision to leave in search of a different, more biblically-faithful, church.

"Mike Hopkins was born and raised in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, in the USA. In 2005, he accepted Messiah Yeshua. He has a thirst for truth and for bringing that truth to all who are willing to hear. He and his wife Kelli have recently begun hosting their own podcasts. Mike currently works in the tech industry. He currently lives in Virginia Beach with his wife and Kayla, their Boston Terrier."

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 153: Mike Hopkins : A Survivor of the New Apostolic Reformation

TMR 152 : Dr. Krish Kandiah : PARADOXOLOGY

KrishKandiah"Christianity was never meant to be simple"—Kandiah

To begin this autumn's season of programmes here at TMR, we welcome the author, activist and theologian Dr. Krish Kandiah, former President of the London School of Theology and Founding Director of Home for Good, a "young charity seeking to make a real difference in the lives of vulnerable children".

Dr. Kandiah joins us to discuss his award-winning book, PARADOXOLOGY, which explores some of the difficult questions about the Christian faith and argues that it is often through wrestling with the paradoxes of faith that we learn about God.

Krish also introduces us to Books for Life, his inspiring new online media project aimed at encouraging people to engage with high-quality Christian literature through video interviews with well-known Christian leaders.

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TMR 151 : Dr. Mitch Stokes : How to Be an Atheist

MitchStokes"Atheists talk a lot about the importance of scepticism, but the truth is they're not nearly sceptical enough."

So maintains our guest this week, Dr. Mitch Stokes, Senior Fellow of Philosophy at New St. Andrews College in Moscow, Idaho, and author of the new book How to Be an Atheist : Why Many Skeptics Aren't Skeptical Enough, published by Crossway (2016).

While atheists typically advocate a critical stance towards religion, few are willing to adopt a similar attitude towards their own beliefs. Such a double standard sometimes leads to over-confident claims about the certainty of the grounds for atheism—claims which are, at best, logically inconsistent, and, at worst, intellectually dishonest. Turning atheists' scepticism around on their own naturalistic worldview, Mitch Stokes examines two things that such sceptics hold dear—science and morality—and reveals deep inconsistencies among their most cherished beliefs.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 151 : Dr. Mitch Stokes : How to Be an Atheist

TMR 150: Thomas Goehle : America's Post-Christian Apocalypse (Part 3: NWO & Eschaton)

ThomasGoehleWhere are we heading? What does the future hold? And will our worldview be robust and coherent enough to carry us through the difficulties that lie ahead?

We are joined once again, for the third and final of a short series of interviews, by the writer and researcher Thomas R. Goehle, author of America's Post-Christian Apocalypse: How Secular Modernism Marginalized Christianity and The Peril of Leaving God Behind at the End of the Age. Building upon the previous two interviews, in which we discussed truth, faith and reason, we conclude by considering ways in which End-Time biblical prophecy might relate to the much-discussed New World Order, and gently debate various eschatological themes such as the Antichrist, Great Tribulation and the Rapture.

Thomas Goehle earned a Master of Arts degree in Philosophy of Religion (honors) from Denver Seminary. He lives in Williamsville, New York where he is working on his next book tentatively entitled Transhumanism, AI, and the Apocalypse.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 150: Thomas Goehle : America's Post-Christian Apocalypse (Part 3: NWO & Eschaton)

TMR 149 : John Massaria : I Love My Country But Hate What They Are Doing

JohnMassariaThis week, film-maker and political activist John Massaria joins us to introduce his new and compelling film project, I Love My Country But Hate What They Are Doing.

Featuring interviews and personal statements by well-known activists such as Dr. Daniele Ganser, Tommy Hansen, Gerald Celente, Anthony Freda, Ken O'Keefe, Gary Franchi, Ray McGovern and Joe Rogan, John Massaria's film crafts a challenging narrative of a country—the US, the country he loves—subservient to its military-industrial complex and addicted to war. Only by facing up this reality, and—(as Anthony Rotunno put it in a previous show)—"changing the discourse", will there by any chance of turning the tide and steering the world in the direction of peace and goodwill.

To see Part One of the film, and to support the project's development, please see the Interview Notes.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 149 : John Massaria : I Love My Country But Hate What They Are Doing

TMR 148 : Anthony Freda : The Thoughtcrimes of Anthony Freda

AnthonyFredaThis week we are joined by the talented visual artist and political activist Anthony Freda for a discussion on his approach to political art.

Based in Long Island, Freda works as an editorial illustrator, visual political activist and as part of the adjunct faculty of the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. In addition to many mainstream clients, such as Time, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone and The New York Times, he has also earned a reputation as the go-to artist for many alternative news websites and publication, such as Code Pink, Activist Post, Washington’s Blog, Global Research, Cindy Sheehan’s The Soapbox and The Trends Journal. In 2006 Village Voice commissioned Freda to illustrate a story about people who challenge the official 9/11 narrative, which artwork has since become part of the permanent collection of the US National September 11th Museum in New York.

"Anthony Freda’s art is a flower in the barrel of a shotgun but a bullet in the mouth of politics. He is fearless and fierce and years from now, when we look back on this moment in history, his art will be an accurate snapshot.
A picture of what we should never forget lest history repeat itself. "—Ara Hawkins

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 148 : Anthony Freda : The Thoughtcrimes of Anthony Freda

TMR 147 : Tony Gosling : Bilderberg, Brexit and Blairite Coups

TonyGoslingWhat is this strange thing called the Bilderberg Group? Is it something that we should we be concerned about? Or is it, as many people say, essentially just a "talking shop" for rich people?

To put us in the picture, we welcome back to the programme Tony Gosling, investigative radio journalist and former BBC reporter. Tony, who came on TMR back in 2013 to discuss the "official" and "unofficial" histories of this infamous Group, now joins us to share his experience of covering the 64th Bilderberg Meeting, which was held recently in Dresden, Germany, between the 9th and 12th of June.

We also discuss the political climate here in the UK following the EU Referendum, and the anti-Corbyn coup by the parliamentary Labour Party.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 147 : Tony Gosling : Bilderberg, Brexit and Blairite Coups

TMR 146 : Rev. Dr. Robert H. Bennett : Animism in the USA - Jesus is the Only Exorcist

RobertBennettMany might suppose that animistic belief is fundamentally incompatible with modern Western culture. "It's something of the past", it might be said, or "a feature of life in other less-'enlightened' places". And yet, argues our guest Rev. Dr. Robert H. Bennett, animism is on the rise even in the USA, and we shouldn't think that Christians always remain unaffected by its subtle, yet often harmful, influence.

Dr. Bennett, who is Executive Director of Luther Academy in Fort Wayne Indiana and a specialist in missions, joined us last year to discuss his field-research book I Am Not Afraid : Demon Possession and Spiritual Warfare : True Accounts from the Lutheran Church of Madagascar. He now returns to the show to introduce his new follow-up book Afraid: Demon Possession and Spiritual Warfare in America, and shares with us his biblical conviction that, in the face of all spiritual deception and oppression, there is only one answer: Jesus Christ.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 146 : Rev. Dr. Robert H. Bennett : Animism in the USA - Jesus is the Only Exorcist

TMR 145 : Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : Vote Brexit - End the EU, a CIA Covert Operation

PaulCraigRoberts"Remain" or "Leave"? What does the UK's EU Referendum—scheduled 23rd June—really amount to? Is it simply the opportunity for UK citizens to decide if Britain should stay in the European Union? Or is it something of greater significance, with broader and more serious implications? And just what is this thing called the EU anyway?

Joining us, once again, to discuss these questions is Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former US Assistant Secretary to the Treasury for Ecomonic Policy, who explains the EU's beginnings as a project of the CIA, and assesses its current role as as an anti-democratic tool of corporate control. Whether or not a majority "leave" vote will actually lead to Brexit, Dr. Roberts argues that a decisive rejection of EU membership by UK citizens could embolden other EU member states to follow suit, thus precipitating the break-up of NATO, and in turn, bringing an end to Washington's crazy designs for a New World Order.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 145 : Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : Vote Brexit - End the EU, a CIA Covert Operation

TMR 144 : Daniel Nesbitt : On the "Snoopers' Charter" 2.0

DanielNesbitt"If the Bill becomes law, the police and the intelligence agenciesMI5, MI6 and GCHQ—will be legally allowed to hack a device, system or network to watch, change, destroy or obtain data in secret without the user knowing."—BigBrotherWatch

This week we welcome Daniel Nesbitt, Research Director of Big Brother Watch, the UK privacy and civil liberties campaign organisation, for a discussion on the UK government's proposals for its Investigatory Powers Bill. The government wants this Bill, popularly known as the "Snoopers' Charter", to be law by the end of 2016, but are there any reasons to be concerned about it?

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 144 : Daniel Nesbitt : On the "Snoopers' Charter" 2.0

TMR 143 : Dr. John H. Walton : The Lost World of Adam & Eve

JohnHWaltonDid God really create the world in six days? Or is the Bible actually saying something subtly different? Did God make Eve from Adam's rib? Or is that a misreading of the text?

To discuss these and other absorbing questions arising from his fascinating-yet-controversial book, The Lost World of Adam and Eve, we are joined by Dr. John H. Walton, Professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College and Graduate School, Illinois. Analysing Genesis chapters 2 and 3 in the context of other Ancient Near East literature, Walton proposes literary and theological understandings of the "Adam and Eve" narrative that in some ways complement—yet in other ways challenge—traditional interpretations.

Prior to his current position as Professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College and Graduate School, Dr. Walton was Professor of Old Testament at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago for twenty years. Some of his other books include: The Lost World of Scripture, The Lost World of Genesis One, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament and The Essential Bible Companion.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 143 : Dr. John H. Walton : The Lost World of Adam & Eve

TMR 142 : Dr. James W. Sire : Apologetics Beyond Reason


We welcome veteran Christian writer and speaker James W. Sire (PhD, University of Missouri), formerly a senior editor at InterVarsity Press. Author of many well-known books, such as Scripture Twisting and The Universe Next Door, James Sire joins us to discuss his mature approach to Christian apologetics as we explore his latest book Apologetics Beyond Reason : Why Seeing Really is Believing.

Drawing us in with an unusual, but intriguing, argument—"There is everything. Therefore there is a God. Either you see this or you don’t"—James Sire invites us to ask questions about reality and the way in which we read its "signals of transcendence".

"Christian apologetics lays before the watching world such a winsome embodiment of the Christian faith that for any and all who are willing to observe there will be an intellectually and emotionally credible witness to its fundamental truths."—Sire, A Little Primer on Humble Apologetics, p. 26

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Read more: TMR 142 : Dr. James W. Sire : Apologetics Beyond Reason

TMR 141 : Rev. Israel Olofinjana : Reverse Mission and the Black Majority Churches

IsraelOlofinjanaWe are joined by Rev. Israel Oluwole Olofinjana—an ordained Baptist minister and pastor of Woolwich Central Baptist Church, a multi-ethnic inner-city church in south-east London—for a discussion centred in his provocative 2015 book, Partnership in Mission : A Black Majority Church Perspective on Mission and Church Unity, published by Instant Apostle.

Israel Olofinjana comes from a Nigerian Pentecostal background and holds a MTh (Master of Theology) from Carolina University of Theology. He is many-times published academically and is a member of the editorial board of Missio Africanus, an online journal of African missiology in Britain. He has authored three books to date: Reverse in Ministry and Missions: Africans in the Dark Continent of Europe (2010), 20 Pentecostal Pioneers in Nigeria (2011) and Partnership in Mission (2015). Israel speaks and teaches in many venues across the UK on the subjects of Reverse Mission, African Christianity and Black Majority Churches.

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Read more: TMR 141 : Rev. Israel Olofinjana : Reverse Mission and the Black Majority Churches

TMR 140 : David Haggith : Cashless Phoenix of the Epocalypse

DavidHaggith"Pencil in the phoenix for around 2018, and welcome it when it comes"—The Economist 1988

This week we welcome David Haggith, economic commentator and writer of The Great Recession Blog, for a discussion on the international trend among central banks and governments towards a global cashless society.

Regarded by central banks as a "drag" on their ability to manipulate economies to their liking, cash is being increasingly attacked as an inefficient, costly and even dangerous relic of the past—after all, where would criminals be without it? But once cash is gone, and our ability to rescue our savings from the monolithic digital banking system has gone with it, who will truly have control over our money?

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(Please note: Nothing in this interview should be taken as financial advice.)

LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 140 : David Haggith : Cashless Phoenix of the Epocalypse

TMR 138: John W. Whitehead : America's Gestapo - The FBI's Reign of Terror

JohnWWhitehead"We want no Gestapo or secret police. FBI is tending in that direction. They are dabbling in sex-life scandals and plain blackmail… [J.] Edgar Hoover would give his right eye to take over, and all congressmen and senators are afraid of him." (US President Harry S. Truman)

So begins a recent commentary by our guest for this Good Friday edition of TMR, the constitutional attorney and author John. W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Foundation, a nonprofit civil liberties and human rights organisation headquartered in Charlottesville, Virginia. With his recent article—"America's Gestapo : The FBI's Reign of Terror"—as our focus, we discuss the significance of the FBI in the seemingly-inexorable transformation of the USA into a police state, and consider the example of Jesus as an activist in Roman-occupied Palestine.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 138: John W. Whitehead : America's Gestapo - The FBI's Reign of Terror

TMR 137: Thomas Goehle : America's Post-Christian Apocalypse (Part 2: Faith & Reason)

ThomasGoehle"Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence..." Or so said Richard Dawkins at the Edinburgh International Science Festival in 1992. But is that really true? Do faith and reason really not mix? And why do so many people seem to think this?

Joining us, for the second of a short series of interviews, is the writer and researcher Thomas R. Goehle, author of America's Post-Christian Apocalypse: How Secular Modernism Marginalized Christianity and The Peril of Leaving God Behind at the End of the Age. Adopting a very, very broad-brush-stroke approach, in order to trace some of the contours of Western philosopy and theology, we embark upon a whistle-stop tour—from Thomas Aquinas and the Mediaeval Synthesis, through the Enlightenment, and onward into (Post)Modernity—and explore some of the reasons for the unhappy divorce of faith and reason in contemporary Western culture.

Thomas Goehle earned a Master of Arts degree in Philosophy of Religion (honors) from Denver Seminary. He lives in Williamsville, New York where he is working on his next book tentatively entitled Transhumanism, AI, and the Apocalypse.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 137: Thomas Goehle : America's Post-Christian Apocalypse (Part 2: Faith & Reason)

TMR 136 : Patrick M. Wood : Industry 4.0 - Rise of the Robots (or Fall of the "Useless Eaters"?)

PatrickWoodAtlas, the impressive brainchild of Boston Dynamics and icon of Industry 4.0, raises perhaps more concerns than it does hopes for the future. Will Atlas's cyber progeny and digital cousins bring to pass a brave new world of endless leisure for the masses, or will they usher in an age of mass unemployment, poverty, or worse?

We are joined once again by Patrick M. Wood, Editor-in-Chief of Technocracy News and Trends, who returns to the programme to discuss the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution—a highlight of this year's World Economic Forum in Davos—and to consider its role within the utopian vision of the neo-technocratic elites of today.

Patrick M. Wood is an author and lecturer who has stud­ied elite globalisation policies since the late 1970s, when he partnered with the late Antony C. Sutton to co-author Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II. An economist by education, a financial analyst and writer by profession, and an Amer­ican Constitutionalist by choice, Wood maintains a biblical worldview and has deep historical insights into modern attacks on sovereignty, property rights and personal freedom. A frequent speaker on radio shows around the U.S., Wood's cur­rent work centres in Technocracy, Transhumanism and Scientism, and how these are transforming global economics, politics and religion. As he says, the endgame is scientific dictatorship; we ignore it our peril.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD :TMR 136 : Patrick M. Wood : Industry 4.0 - Rise of the Robots (or Fall of the "Useless Eaters"?)

TMR 135 : Charles & Mary Ann Strange : Michael, SEAL Team Six & Extortion 17

CharlesStrangeThis week we are honoured to speak with Charles and Mary Ann Strange, whose son Michael—Cryptologic Technician and Petty Officer (Collection) First Class Michael Strange—was tragically killed in a suspicious helicopter shoot-down in Afghanistan.

Michael had served as a member of SEAL Team Six when it was reported to have assassinated Osama bin Laden at the beginning of May 2011. But on August 6, 2011 Michael was killed—along with fourteen other members of SEAL Team Six, two other Navy SEALs, thirteen US Army and US Navy support personnel, seven Afghan commandos, one Afgan interpreter and one US military working dog—when the CH-47D Chinook helicopter in which they were travelling was shot down by the Taliban.

But this was no ordinary tragedy in the horrific course of warfare; it was a deeply suspicious event. And many of the families who lost loved ones that day continue to press their catalogue of serious questions that the authorities seem unwilling to answer.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD :TMR 135 : Charles & Mary Ann Strange : Michael, SEAL Team Six & Extortion 17

TMR 134 : Dr. Glenn Peoples : On the Moral Argument for the Existence of God

GlennPeoplesThis week we are joined by Christian philosopher Dr. Glenn Peoples for an in-depth discussion on The Moral Argument for the Existence of God.

Each of us has a sense of what we ought—and ought not—to do in the many and varied circumstances of our lives, but what is the explanation for this ordinary, yet seemingly-unfathomable phenomenon? Does it stem from a God-given human faculty to perceive objective moral obligations? Or is it just an unintended product of our ostensible evolutionary history? Do objective moral obligations even exist? Or is all talk about them merely illusory, misleading or even meaningless?

Guiding us through the maze of opinions, Dr. Peoples persuasively argues that only within a theistic worldview of a personal God can objective moral obligationswhich we each perceivebe adequately grounded in philosophical terms.

Dr. Glenn Andrew Peoples holds degrees in Music and Divinity, a Master's in Theology, and a PhD in philosophy from the University of Otago, New Zealand. He runs Right Reason, a website and blog on theology, philosophy and social issues, along with the podcast Say Hello to my Little Friend, while continuing to publish and speak in his areas of interest.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD :TMR 134 : Dr. Glenn Peoples : On the Moral Argument for the Existence of God

TMR 133 : Dr. Tim Ball : Educational Ergonomics

DrTimBallThis week we are once again joined by Dr. Tim Ball, retired professor of Historical Climatology at the University of Winnipeg, for a characteristically fun and fascinating conversation on the subject of Educational Ergonomics.

What is education? What is it for? And−a question that increasing numbers of people are asking in these days of rising student debt and increasing unemploymentwho is it for? Is it primarily for the student, whether in school or college, or has it become in large measure a socially-acceptable form of structural unemployment to help keep the wheels of the State turning?

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD :TMR 133 : Dr. Tim Ball : Educational Ergonomics

TMR 132: Thomas R. Goehle : America's Post-Christian Apocalypse (Part 1: Truth)

ThomasGoehle"What is truth?"—a rhetorical question famously snarled by Pontius Pilate during his interrogation of Jesus 2000 years ago. Yet the question is a real one, and the answer of monumental significance in every day and age. But especially in ours, an age in which the very concept of truth itself is under merciless attack.

Joining us, for the first of a short series of interviews, is the writer and researcher Thomas R. Goehle, author of the important new book America's Post-Christian Apocalypse: How Secular Modernism Marginalized Christianity and The Peril of Leaving God Behind at the End of the Age. Beginning with the thesis of his book—that "s ecular (post)modernism has increasingly replaced Christianity as the hegemonic authority in our society"—we discuss how some of the negative fruits of the Enlightenment led a spiritually-autonomous humanity into the absurdities of extreme relativism and political correctness, and ask if such a humanity could resist the tyranny of a nascent New World Order.

Thomas Goehle earned a Master of Arts degree in Philosophy of Religion (honors) from Denver Seminary. He lives in Williamsville, New York where he is working on his next book tentatively entitled Transhumanism, AI, and the Apocalypse.

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LISTEN / DOWNLOAD : TMR 132: Thomas R. Goehle : America's Post-Christian Apocalypse (Part 1: Truth)



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