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...just some books that I've found useful and interesting over the last several years.

(I encourage you to purchase books through your local book store, but if that's not practical you can use the links provided.)

ReasonableFaithWilliam Lane Craig, Reasonable Faith : Christian Truth and Apologetics, 3rd edition. One of the most famous and compelling books on Christian apologetics by a world-renowned Christian philosopher, covering such issues as: How Christianity is known to be true; the absurdity of life without God; the existence of God; the problems of historical knowledge and miracles; and the self-understanding and Resurrection of Jesus.            

WarrantedAlvin Plantinga, Warranted Christian Belief. Fascinating, controversial (and surprisingly readable) by Plantinga, perhaps the greatest living Christian philosopher, developing his concept of "warrant", this time with respect to Christian belief. Is it rational to believe? Plantinga goes further: Not only is it rational, and therefore justified, it is also warranted; for if Christianity is true, then the God-given cognitive faculties which produce Christian belief, actually produce knowledge. (Now a free ebook: external link)


TechnocracyRisingIn his important book, Technocracy Rising : The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, Patrick M. Wood joins the dots to offer many answers to questions about the "New World Order". Founding his analysis upon the crucial insight that the ideology of Technocracy inspires many of the significant moves towards global governance, Wood focuses attention upon the elitist Trilateral Commission and highlights the role of Sustainable Development as a "Trojan Horse" designed to usher in a "New International Economic Order".


AnthraxDeceptionGraeme MacQueen, The 2001 Anthrax Deception. Shortly after 9/11, the US was again gripped by fear as letters containing lethal anthrax were sent through the post. Initially widely blamed on Al Qaeda and Iraq, the attacks were used to jusify and accelerate the USA PATRIOT Act. But as evidence grew that the anthrax spores had originated in US laboratories, attention was diverted to looking for the "lone nut". But what, asks Dr MacQueen, should we conclude from all the "intelligence" that supposedly pointed towards Al Qaeda and Iraq in the first place? Was it all error? Or was it, as he argues, something rather more sinister? (Now a free online book: external link)

911TenYearsLaterDavid Ray Griffin, 9/11 Ten Years Later : When State Crimes Against Democracy Succeed. Ten years after the devastating events of September 11th 2001, David Ray Griffin (Professor Emeritus of Philosophy of Religion and Theology, and author of numerous well-researched books on 9/11) revisits and reassesses the evidence, concluding that 9/11 was not as the official conspiracy theory would have it, an external terrorist attack, but rather an internal  "state crime against domacracy."  

CogInfDavid Ray Griffin, Cognitive Infiltration : An Obama Appointee's Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory. Following Obama's appointment of Cass Sunstein to Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Griffin analyses, with wit and irony, a 2008 article co-authored by Sunstein which proposed that the government engage in "cognitive infiltration" of, especially 9/11, conspiracy theory groups. Dismantling Sunstein's claim that such theories are "harmful" and "false", Griffin argues that both words best describe the official conspiracy theory.


HockeyStickAndrew W. Montford, The Hockey Stick Illusion: Climategate and the Corruption of Science . Although the 'Climategate' emails are discussed towards the end, Montford's book mainly recounts Steve McIntyre's quest to reproduce Michael Mann's Hockey Stick graph, and the resistance he encountered from the climate science establishment.


DarwinsBlackBoxMichael J. Behe, Darwin's Black Box : The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution. The foundational book that helped launch the Intelligent Design movement, arguing from the 'irreducible complexity' of biochemical systems, and the persistent lack of plausible Darwinistic evolutionary explanations in the scientific literature, to the conclusion that an inference to design as the best explanation is justified.


JFK James W. Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters . With painstaking research, Douglass charts the course of Kennedy's change of heart from Cold War warrior to peace-maker, illuminating his secret communications with Khrushchev (both besieged by war-mongering establishments), and arguing how the U.S. military-industrial complex, so threatened by Kennedy, planned and covered up his assassination.


SchaefferFrancis A. Schaeffer, The Complete Works : A Christian Worldview, five-volume set. Twenty-two of the most important writings by Francis Schaeffer (one of the most significant twentieth-century Christian apologists and analysts of Western culture) bound into five volumes: 1) A Christian View of Philosophy & Culture; 2) A Christian View of the Bible as Truth; 3) A Christian View of Spirituality; 4) A Christian View of the Church; 5) A Christian View of the West.


NatureDesignScienceDel Ratzsch, Nature, Design and Science: The Status of Design in Natural Science, (Suny Series in Philosophy and Biology). In this fascinating study, the philosopher Del Ratzsch (sympathetic to, though not at the heart of, the Intelligent Design movement) argues that the concept of supernatural design in nature can, if properly defined, be considered legitimate within science.


DesignInferenceWilliam A. Dembski, The Design Inference : Eliminating Chance through Small Probabilities, (Cambridge Studies in Probability, Induction and Decision Theory). In this conceptual complement to Michael Behe's Darwin's Black Box, the philosopher and mathematican William Dembski offers a theoretical foundation for Intelligent Design: a logical method for detecting intelligent causes in nature.


NATOsDaniele Ganser, NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe. Swiss historian, Daniele Ganser, uncovers a network of secret 'stay behind armies' organised by NATO, MI6 and the CIA during the Cold War era. Originally designed to resist a possible Soviet invasion, they in some cases mutated into forming alliances with extreme right-wing groups, carrying out torture, harassment and 'false flag' terrorism in order to discredit and emasculate left-wing political parties.


WigglesworthA large collection of inspirational sermons by the Pentecostal evangelist and Yorkshireman Smith Wigglesworth. Though the words of neither a trained scholar nor a biblical exegete, these are nevertheless the words of a man who knew the Presence of God, and whose life, lived in that Presence, dramatically affected many.

aurariaAlthough, strictly speaking, not a book, the Auraria Magazine, edited by Dr. Martin Erdmann of the Verax Institute, is featured here because of its informative content and the importance of the subjects it tackles from a Christian worldview perspective. (The following external links open up new browser windows in which issues of the magazine can be read on the subjects: Technocracy, the Smart Grid, Transhumanism and Carbon Currency.) (For our interviews with Dr. Erdmann on Technocracy and the Smart Grid, click here and here.)  

ErdmannIn this meticulously-researched book, World Federation : The Ecumenical Agenda, theologian and historian Dr Martin Erdmann uncovers the way in which elitist internationalists exploited the liberal Christian Ecumenical Movement in the early Twentieth Century in order to propagandise the American population with the message of a technocratic World Government. (For our interview with Dr. Erdmann on this subject, click here.)

ErdmannEQWeltföderation : Die Ökumenische Agenda. German language version of World Federation : The Ecumenical Agenda by theologian and historian Dr Martin Erdmann, in which he uncovers the way in which elitist internationalists exploited the liberal Christian Ecumenical Movement in the early Twentieth Century in order to propagandise the American population with the message of a technocratic World Government.   In his important book, GoehleAmerica's Post-Christian Apocalypse: How Secular Modernism Marginalized Christianity and The Peril of Leaving God Behind at the End of the Age, Thomas R. Goehle helpfully paints with a broad brush, à la Francis Schaeffer, and traces the many strands of secularisation and religious accommodation over hundreds of years, finally issuing a stark warning to all people everywhere as we approach the End of the Age: that we ignore our Creator at our peril.

GodFreedomAlvin Plantinga's (O'Brien Philosophy Professor at the University of Notre Dame) amazing little book of 1978 that helped to effect a rennaissance in Christian philosophy. Readable, though not easy for those unfamiliar with the ways of analytical philosophers - (and entertaining in a professorial way!) - the main aim of the book is to neutralise the atheist's attempts to argue from the existence of evil to the non-existence of God.

  NTWrightResurrection N. T. Wright, The Resurrection of the Son of God (Christian Origins and the Question of God, Vol. 3).

BlombergReliabilityGospelsCraig L. Blomberg, The Historical Reliability of the Gospels.

  AhmedWarTruthNafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, The War on Truth: 9/11, Disinformation and the Anatomy of Terrorism



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