Antony's Podcasts
Life and Life Only (
Glass Onion : On John Lennon (
Film Gold (
Items mentioned in / relevant to the conversation
Jacques Ellul, Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes, (1965)
Edward Bernays, Propaganda, (1928)
Mark Crispin Miller's presentation: Part One (
Mark Crispin Miller's presentation Part Two (
Nudge Theory (Wikipedia entry:
Richard H. Thaler & Cass Sunstein, Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness, Yale (2008)
The Behavioural Insights Team (
MINDSPACE via Institute for Government (
Cass Sunstein & Adrian Vermeule, "Conspiracy Theories" (2008) (
Laura Dodsworth, A State of Fear : How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic, Pinter & Martin (2021)
Michael Gunner's Orwellian "Anti-Vax" rant (
"Trusted News Initiative" (
Project Syndicate (
Project Origin (
Police agents provocateurs in Qebec (
Non-verbal communication (Wikipedia entry:
"EU President Ursula von der Leyen says time to consider mandatory vaccinations", Evening Standard (01 December 2021)
"COVID-19: Downing Street seeks to play down significance of Boris Johnson's mandatory jabs comment", Sky News (09 December 2021)
UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid says universal vaccination mandates are "unethical" ( [JC: I'm glad to hear him say that, and I hope he sticks to his principles. Unfortunately, I cannot get out of my mind what the former UK Vaccines Minister said only a few months back about COVID Passports: "It goes against everything I believe in, but..."]
Podcast theme music: Moment of Green by Antony Raijekov (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
In accordance with the conditions of the above permissions TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything produced by TMR.
Slider image by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)