British film-maker, 9/11 Truth activist, and fellow Christian, Tony Rooke returns to the progamme to introduce his new film INCONTROVERTIBLE, "the first and only feature-length documentary" to portray the "candid views of Police Officers, Firefighters and Soldiers... about the official explanation for the events of 9/11." (In 2013 Tony Rooke hit the headlines as he was summonsed to court for not paying his TV licence. In his defence he appealed to the UK Terrorism Act 2000, arguing that much of the BBC's coverage of 9/11 — and 7/7, the London Bombings — had been so disingenuous as to serve as a cover-up for the real criminals in each case, and that to have paid his licence fee to the BBC would have been to have committed a much more serious offence under the Act.) |
HQ (128 kbps) |
[9/11, Building 7, controlled demolition, BBC, Jane Standley, Philip Hayton, David Cameron, Northwoods, Lyman Lemnizer, Gladio, Iraq, Syria, Jeremy Corbyn, Niels Harrit, Tony Farrell, Ferdinando Imposimato, churches, miracle, Ray Savage, Matt Campbell]