MartinErdmann1For the first of two interviews on the subject of Technocracy and the Smart Grid, we are again joined by theologian Dr. Martin Erdmann, former Professor of Philosophy at North Greenville University and Director of the Verax Institute in Greer, South Carolina. In this interview, Dr. Erdmann introduces the technocratic movement of 1930s' America under Howard Scott and M. King Hubbert, and traces its intellectual roots to the positivistic, anti-supernaturalist and utopian ideas of the 18th/19th-Century French philosophers Henri Saint-Simon and Auguste Comte. But, explains Dr. Erdmann, Technocracy is far from dead; bewitched by its ideals of a fair, efficient and ecological economy, and now emancipated by the wonders of smart technology, the utopian dreamers of our day are gradually resurrecting Technocracy, and quietly ushering in an Orwellian nightmare of global, totalitarian control.

(Für Zuhörer, die der deutschen Sprache mächtig sind, präsentieren wir hier einen Vortrag von Dr. Erdmann zum Thema „Neues Christentum“ (Henri St. Simons Technokratie), den er auf seiner jüngsten Reise in Europa mehrfach vor einem größeren Publikum gehalten hatte.)

 [Henri Saint-Simon, Auguste Comte, Positivism, French Revolution, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, John Stuart Mill, Edward Bellamy, Robert Owen, Aldous Huxley, Julian Huxley, The Humanist Frame, M. King Hubbert, Howard Scott, thermodynamics, entropy, non-renewable resources, private property, Franklin D. Roosevelt, New Deal, Smart Grid, Smart Meter, George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, Karl Popper, Utopia & Violence, New World Order, collectivism, carbon currency]

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