Radio Liberty Websites & Links:
Previous interview:
Items mentioned in (or otherwise relevant to) the interview:
- Dr. Stanley K. Monteith M.D., "The Population Control Agenda" (external PDF hosted at Radio Liberty). [JC: While I do not agree with every statement or interpretation in Dr. Monteith's paper, I nevertheless think it presents thoughts worth considering.]
- The Georgia Guidestones (Wikipedia entry
- UPDATE: "Michael Bennett Solves The Georgia Guidestones Mystery", an interview by James Corbett (2015)
- Margaret Sanger (Wikipedia entry
- Thomas Robert Malthus (Wikipedia entry
- On Eric Pianka: Forrest M. Mims III's testimony, "Meeting Doctor Doom", via (yet again, the file at the original link has been memory-holed)
- Mihajlo D. Mesarović, Eduard Pestel, Mankind at the Turning Point : The Second Report ot the Club of Rome, Hutchinson (1974); Google Books, at the following hyperlink, gives that report's prominent quotation from a certain A. Gregg in which humanity is likened to a cancer: "The World Has Cancer and the Cancer is Man".
- Jacques-Yves Cousteau interview in the UNESCO Courier (1 November 1991) (external PDF)
- Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb, A SIERRA CLUB-BALLANTINE BOOK; 13th Printing edition (May 1, 1970)
- On the contamination, in 2009, of experimental season flu material with live H5N1 avian flu viruses at Baxter International's research facility in Orth-Donau, Austria:
- Population and the American Future, Rockefeller Commission Report (1969)
- National Security Study Memorandum 200, (NSSM 200 - April 1974)
- Aspartame: Please listen to our interview with Cori Brackett, creator of the documentary on aspartame, Sweet Misery.
- Bisphenol A: For an eye-opening introduction to the controversy over Bisphenol-A, please see: "The State of the Evidence on Bisphenol A (BPA)" at - (see also external link to 2010 PDF version of this report).
- Water Fluoridation: see "Male Fertility" at Fluoride Action Network (; and Freni, SC, "Exposure to high fluoride concentrations in drinking water is associated with decreased birth rates", Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health (May 1994), via
- GMOs: de Liz Oliveira, VL, et al, "Roundup disrupts male reproductive functions by triggering calcium-mediated cell death in rat testis and Sertoli cells", Free Radical Biology & Medicine (June 2013) via; also "Glyphosate contributes to modern disease - new paper",
- Vaccines: Talwar GP, Raghupathy R., "Anti-fertility vaccines", Vaccine (April 1989) via Pub
- Population Research Institute (
- Optimum Population Trust (now known as Population Matters) (
- On Prince Philip's remark, "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation", find it listed by the Guardian (