TMR aOn the B***** Day that never was (and which, I promise, shall not be mentioned in this short podcast), and in anticipation of a "proper" programme this coming Monday, I take the opportunity to say a few words about TMR's recent upgrade—sorry, I've done it again, "migration"—from one version of Joomla! to another.

Although it might seem un-newsworthy to those of you (most, I'm sure) who are happily unfamiliar with the idiosyncracies of Joomla!—the content management system upon which TMR has been running since its inception in 2012—it's certainly good news to me! Every attempt I have made over the years to bring this website up-to-date has failed spectacularly, and I can only heave a great sigh of relief that the deed is finally done—not by me, but by those with a genuine aptitude for such marvels.

Join me, as I reveal all in this gem of Interweb mundanity.

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