
Dr. Mobeen Syed

"Mobeen Syed M.D, MS graduated from King Edward Medical University in 1994. After practicing clinical medicine for a few years, he continued his studies in Computer Science with the goal of merging innovative technologies and healthcare. Dr. Mobeen's dedication for teaching began at Horizon Medical Institute, where he and his world-renowned brother Dr. Najeeb focused on teaching basic sciences to medical students. Dr. Mobeen's unique skillset as a physician and software engineer enabled him to innovate several products, including a portable 3D ultrasound system designed by MediTeQ RI. His experience as a high tech executive includes time at Staples, Kohl's, Rue Lala, Gemvara, TJX, and most recently e-commerce giant, PayPal. Dr. Mobeen's dedication to innovative and pioneering medical education has been a mainstay in his life. At Drbeen corp, he strives to create a managed marketplace for medical providers that enables them to learn medicine in conjunction with new technologies. Dr. Mobeen loves painting, music, medical illustrations, teaching, reading, and playing ping-pong. Dr. Mobeen, his wife Hina and his two sons currently live in the heart of Silicon Valley, Cupertino, California."—from drbeen.com

Important Notes

  • Nothing said in this podcast should be understood as medical advice.

  • Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet by way of supplementation.

  • It is my understanding that the doses for food supplements described in this conversation apply to adults, not to children.


A few Drbeen Lectures (for more detail)

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Items mentioned in / relevant to the conversation

[JC: Please note that none of these links is endorsed by Dr. Syed. They are simply links to materials I used in preparing the interview.]


Acknowledgements & Disclaimer

  • The views expressed in this podcast by Dr. Mobeen Syed are his responsibility alone. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The image of Dr. Syed is Copyright © Drbeen.com, all rights reserved, used here with kind permission.

  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from his Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.

  • Podcast artwork (below) by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)




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