vomSaalDr Frederick vom Saal:



 Websites of the American Chemistry Council:

Othe items mentioned in (or otherwise relevant to) the interview:

  • vom Saal, F.S. and Hughes, C., "An extensive new literature concerning low-dose effects of bisphenol A shows the need for a new risk assessment", Environ. Health Perspect. 113:926-933, 2005
  • Taylor, J.A., vom Saal, F.S., Welshons, W.V., Drury, B., Rottinghaus, G., Hunt, P.A., Toutain, P.L., Laffont, C.M. and VandeVoort, C.A.. "Similarity of bisphenol A pharmacokinetics in rhesus monkeys and mice: Relevance for human exposure", Environ. Health Perspect. 119:422-430, 2011
  • Bisphenol A (BPA): Use in Food Contact Application, US Food & Drug Administration, (2010, 2012, 2013)

"Current BPA food contact uses were approved under food additive regulations issued more than 40 years ago.  This regulatory structure limits the oversight and flexibility of FDA.  Once a food additive is approved, any manufacturer of food or food packaging may use the food additive in accordance with the regulation.  There is no requirement to notify FDA of that use. For example, today there exist hundreds of different formulations for BPA-containing epoxy linings, which have varying characteristics.  As currently regulated, manufacturers are not required to disclose to FDA the existence or nature of these formulations.  Furthermore, if FDA were to decide to revoke one or more approved uses, FDA would need to undertake what could be a lengthy process of rulemaking to accomplish this goal."

  • Scientific Opinion on Bisphenol A: evaluation of a study investigating its neurodevelopmental toxicity, review of recent scientific literature on its toxicity and advice on the Danish risk assessment of Bisphenol A, European Food Safety Journal (2010; 8(9):1829 [116 pp.])
  • Åke Bergman et al., eds., State of the Science of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals - 2012, United Nations Environment Programme and the World Health Organization (2013)
  • Paul Benkimoun et Stéphane Foucart, "Les perturbateurs endocriniens au cœur d'un scandale européen", Le Monde (04, 06 October 2013)
  • Stéphane Horel & Brian Bienkowski, "Special report: Scientists critical of EU chemical policy have industry ties", Environmental Health News (23 September 2013)
  • Stéphane Horel, "Science and conflicts of interest: Ties to industry revealed", Environmental Health News (23 September 2013)
  • Wolgang Dekant et al., "Comment: Scientifically unfounded precaution drives European Commission’s recommendations on EDC regulation, while defying common sense, well-established science and risk assessment principles", ALTEX 30 3/13, 381-385
  • R. Thomas Zoeller et al., "Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and Public Health Protection: A Statement of Principles from The Endocrine Society", Endocrinology 153 (9): 4097 (2012)
  • Tammy George, "What Does BPA free Mean? A Thorough Guide to BPA and Your Health", Health Insurance Fund of Australia (07 May 2018)

Podcast theme music: Chillout Me, kindly provided by Antony Raijekov, from his Jazz U compilation (CC BY-NC 2.5).

Slide show image : "Canned Tomatoes" by Paul Sableman on Flickr (CC BY 2.0); stretched, cropped.

BPA Sauce



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