1. Et Exspecto Resurrectionem Mortuorum is the title of a piece of orchestral music (1964) by the Roman Catholic French composer Olivier Messiaen. The Latin comes from the final sentence of the Credo of the Mass: "Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum, et vitam ventúri sæculi" - ("And I await the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.")
  2. I was heavily influenced by the music of Messiaen when I used to write music for a living in the 1990s. (As it happens, I'm not a Roman Catholic.)


Scripture references:

3) 1 Corinthians 15 : 1 - 11

4) Galatians 1 : 13 -24

5) Romans 8 : 11

Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture references are from the New International Version of the Bible (NIV)


Other sources:

6) Josephus, Antiquities IV.8.15

7) Hengel, Martin, The Cross of the Son of God, containing three volumes: The Son of God (1976), Crucifixion (1977), and The Atonement (1981), SCM Press, (London : 1986)

8) Craig, William Lane, Assessing the New Testament Evidence for the Historicity of the Resurrection of Jesus, (Studies in the Bible and Early Christianity), Edwin Mellen Press (January 1, 1989)

9) The website of Dr. Gary R. Habermas, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy & Theology at Liberty University, whose specialism is in Resurrection Studies (


Podcast theme music: "Fidder", kindly provided by Antony Raijekov, from his Jazz U compilation (CC BY-NC 2.5).

Slideshow image: a typical C1st Judean tomb. Podcast image: the so-called "King Herod's Family Tomb." Both images are copyright © 2011 The Mind Renewed.




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