TMR 314 & 315 : Vince McCann : Notes

Vince McCann

Vince McCann


Items mentioned in / relevant to the interview

  • (

  • Anthony A. Hoekema, The Four Major Cults, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (1963)

  • N. T. Wright, The Resurrection of the Son of God, (Christian Origins and the Question of God, Vol. 3), Fortress Press (March 1, 2003)

  • TMR 015 : Interview : Tony Brown : Jehovah's Theocratic Organisation?

  • Armstrongism (Wikipedia entry: [JC: It seems that the Worldwide Church of God changed its name in 2009 to Grace Communion International (]

  • GCI Statement of Beliefs (



  • The views expressed in this podcast by Vince McCann are his responsibility alone. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The image of Vince McCann is Copyright © Vince McCann, all rights reserved, and used here with kind permission.

  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that third-party creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that the creators of such materials endorse anything published by TMR.

  • Podcast artwork (below) by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)


TMR 311 : Dr Mark Glanville : Notes

Dr Mark Glanville

Dr Mark Glanville

"Mark Glanville is Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology at Regent College, Vancouver, and an Old Testament scholar. He earned his PhD from the University of Bristol, and is the author of numerous articles and books.
Previous to his position at Regent, he ministered in missional urban communities in both Canada and Australia, and was a professor of congregational theology at the Missional Training Center in Phoenix. Mark is also
a professional jazz pianist, which skill-set he very much employs in connection with his teaching and ministry."




  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • In accordance with the conditions of the above licence TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything produced by TMR.

  • Slide show image: Copyright © 2024 Mark Campbell; used by TMR with kind permission.


TMR 309 : Dr Gary Sidley : Notes

Dr Gary SidleyDr Gary Sidley

"Dr Sidley is a freelance writer, trainer, and blogger. In 2013, he opted for early retirement from his post of Professional Lead/Consultant Clinical Psychologist after 33 continuous years of employment in the UK’s National Health Service. He began his career as a psychiatric nurse in 1980 and qualified as a clinical psychologist in 1989. In 2000, he obtained his PhD for a thesis exploring the psychological predictors of suicidal behaviour. In early 2020, he became extremely concerned about the Government’s response to the ‘coronavirus crisis’; his writings on this subject can be found on his ‘CORONABABBLE’ blog. Gary is also a member of the Health Advisory & Recovery Team (HART), and the Smile Free campaign to lift all mask mandates. Gary is currently leading on a research project into the UK’s deployment of behavioural science strategies during the Covid event, and the ethical implications of the state using these methods on its own people."



Items mentioned in / relevant to the interview

  • Gary Sidley, "UK Government Use of Behavioural Science Strategies in Covid-Event Messaging : Responsibility and Communication Ethics in Times of ‘Crisis’ ", Association for Humanistic Psychology in Britain, Self & Society, No. 11 (2023-2024) [].

  • __________, "Nudgers, nudgers everywhere - the ubiquity of behavioural science", Coronababble (12 December 2023)

  • __________, "The dubious ethics of covert psychological strategies - the BPS respons, Coronababble (18 February 2021)

  • __________, "The delayed response of the BPS to ethical questions about covert 'nudging' ", Coronababble (06 April 2021)

  • __________, "The ethics of using covert strategies - a letter to the British Psychological Society", Coronababble (13 December 2021)

  • __________, "The persecution of the unvaccinated: Are the behavioural scientists culpable?", Coronababble (02 February 2022)

  • __________, "Who is responsible for inflicting unethical behavioural-science 'nudges' on the British people?", Coronababble (31 May 2022)

  • Richard H. Thaler & Cass Sunstein, Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness, Yale (2008)

  • "Ministers had ‘chilling’ secret unit to curb lockdown dissent : Critics of Covid restrictions targeted by counter-disinformation team at the heart of the Government", The Telegraph (02 June 2023)

  • SPI-B (

  • The Behavioural Insights Team (

  • MINDSPACE via Institute for Government (

  • Jacques Ellul, Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes, (1965) 



  • The views expressed in this podcast by Dr Gary Sidley are his responsibility alone. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The image of Gary Sidley is Copyright © Gary Sidley, all rights reserved, and used here with kind permission.

  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that third-party creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that the creators of such materials endorse anything published by TMR.

  • Podcast artwork (below) by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)


TMR 303 : Jacob Hornberger : Notes

Jacob HornbergerJacob Hornberger

(Jacob Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation [FFF], a non-profit educational foundation in the United States whose mission is to present the principled case for the libertarian philosophy. He received his B.A. in economics from The Virginia Military Institute and his law degree from the University of Texas. After serving as a trial attorney for 12 years, he left the practice of law to enter the educational-foundation world. Jacob has written and spoken extensively on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and his assassination-related books include: An Encounter with Evil : The Abraham Zapruder Story; The Kennedy Autopsy; The Kennedy Autopsy 2; and Regime Change : The JFK Assassination. FFF has also published JFK’s War with the National-Security Establishment by Douglas Horne (who served on the staff of the Assassination Records Review Board), and CIA & JFK : The Secret Assassination Files by Jefferson Morley (a former investigative reporter for the Washington Post). FFF has also held two conferences relating to JFK, which featured presentations by Oliver Stone, Jeffrey Sachs, Stephen Kinzer, Michael J. Glennon, Ron Paul, Douglas Horne, Jefferson Morley, and others. Videos of the presentations at those conferences can be found in the Multimedia section of FFF’s website:”)—


Key Resources for the Interview

  • Douglas P Horne, Inside the Assassination Records Review Board : The US Government's Final Attempt to Reconcile the Conflicting Medical Evidence in the Assassination of JFK, Volumes I-V, Douglas P Horne (2009; second printing with corrections 2010). [Hereafter abbreviated to IARRB]
    • For an expanded table of contents, see (

    • For appendices of declassified documentation, see (

  • Jacob Hornberger, The Kennedy Autopsy, The Future of Freedom Foundation (2014)

  • Oliver Stone, JFK Revisted : Through the Looking Glass, (2021)


Clarifying Notes

  • Henry Rybka. According to Douglas Horne (IARRB, Vol. 5, pp. 1410 - 1411), the Secret Service agent who threw his hands in the air three times was Henry Rybka. Horne writes that, as the presidential limousine (SS-100-X) and follow-up car (SS-679-X) were leaving Dallas Love Field, Secret Service agent Emory Roberts stood up in the follow-up car and "appeared to speak sharply" to Rybka (who was on foot behind the presidential limousine) and "emphatically waved him away from SS-100-X". Rybka's reaction—which Horne describes as "What the ****?"—can be seen in the black and white footage below. According to Horne, Secret Service agent Clint Hill told Arlen Specter of the Warren Commission that a decision "not to place agents on or near the rear of the presidential limousine" had been implemented just days before the trip to Texas. Rybka, Horne suggests, hadn't got the message (for whatever reason) and was just trying to do his job.

    • YouTube URL (
  • Pierre Finck. I can find only two mentions by Colonel Finck that Dr James Hulmes had said to him on the telephone at 8 o'clock on the evening of the assassination that they already had X-rays of the President's head: at the Clay Shaw Trial in 1969 ( and before a "Forensic Pathology Panel" working for the US House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1978 ( Col. Finck did mention Dr Humes' 8 o'clock telephone call in his "Blumberg Report", but (so far as I can see) only mentioned that they X-rays were already there when he arrived at Bethesda at 8.30 pm (


Items mentioned in / relevant to the interview

  • Dino Brugioni (Wikipedia entry:

  • "The Zapruder Film Mystery", see Horne, IARRB, Vol. 4, pp. 1185 - 1377.

  • Roger Boyajian's After-Action Report (

  • ARRB report on interview with Dennis David (

  • The documentary "The Fifth Estate : Who Killed JFK?" (CBC, 1983) contains illuminating interviews with many people including Dennis David and Paul O'Connor (

  • John VanHoesen's memo for Gawler's Funeral Home (

  • Dr Malcolm Perry speaking in 1963 (

    • Dr Perry speaking in 1967 (

  • Clint Hill questioned by Arlen Specter during Warren Commission hearings (
  • "The Harper Fragment", see Horne, IARRB, Vol. 2, pp. 392 - 394.

  • "Two Brain Examinations", see Horne, IARRB, Vol. 3, pp. 777 - 844.

  • Robert Knudsen and the Autopsy, see Horne, IARRB, Vol. 1, pp. 247 - 254.

  • Deb Riechmann, "Newly Released JFK Documents Raise Questions About Medical Evidence", Associated Press / Washington Post (09 November 1998)

  • George Lardner Jr, "Archive Photos Not of JFK's Brain, Concludes Aide to Review Board" Washington Post (10 November 1998)

  • James W Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable : Why He Died and Why it Matters, Orbis Books (2008)



  • The views expressed in this podcast by Jacob Hornberger are his responsibility alone. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The image of Jacob Hornberger is Copyright © Jacob Hornberger, all rights reserved, and used here with kind permission.

  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • Podcast image (below) created with DALL-E by OpenAI and ChatGPT by OpenAI, using concepts provided by Greg Faulkner; Copyright © 2023 Greg Faulkner, all rights reserved, used with kind permission.

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that third-party creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that the creators of such materials endorse anything published by TMR.


TMR 302 : Prof. Thomas N. Seyfried : Notes

Thomas N SeyfriedProf. Thomas N. Seyfried

(Professor Seyfried, who in 2012 published the groundbreaking work entitled Cancer as a Metabolic Disease : On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer, (Wiley : 2012),  holds a PhD from the University of Illinois (1976), has a long and distinguished research record in areas such as Gene-Environmental Interactions, Lipid Biochemistry, Neurodegeneration, Ganglioside Storage Diseases, Epilepsy, Cancer, Metabolism, Brain Tumours, Autism, Ketogenic Diets, Dietary Energy Restriction, and currently serves as Professor of Biology at Boston College. In addition to having received numerous lifetime achievement awards for his work, he is also on the boards of several journals in the areas of his expertise.)

  • Please note: Nothing in this conversation should be understood as personal medical advice. It is all for information purposes only. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, lifestyle, or medications.


Items mentioned in / relevant to the interview

  • Thomas N. Seyfried papers: see drop-down menu on Prof Seyfried's faculty page for a list of selected publications.

  • Thomas N. Seyfried, Cancer as a Metabolic Disease : On the Origin, Management and Prevention of Cancer, Wiley (2012)

  • Thomas N. Seyfried, "Cancer: A Metabolic Disease With Metabolic Solutions", presentation (

  • Otto Warburg (Wikipedia entry:

  • "Warburg Effect" (Wikipedia entry:

  • David S Wishart,  "Is Cancer a Genetic Disease or a Metabolic Disease?", The Lancet (28 May 2015)



  • The image of Thomas N. Seyfried is Copyright © Thomas N. Seyfried, all rights reserved; used here with kind permission.

  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • Podcast artwork (below) adapted from "File:Electron transport chain.svg" by T-Fork, CC0 (Universal Public Domain), via Wikimedia Commons

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that third-party creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that the creators of such materials endorse anything published by TMR.


TMR 298 : Jacob Hornberger : Notes

Jacob HornbergerJacob Hornberger

(Jacob Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation [FFF], a non-profit educational foundation in the United States whose mission is to present the principled case for the libertarian philosophy. He received his B.A. in economics from The Virginia Military Institute and his law degree from the University of Texas. After serving as a trial attorney for 12 years, he left the practice of law to enter the educational-foundation world. Jacob has written and spoken extensively on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and his assassination-related books include: An Encounter with Evil : The Abraham Zapruder Story; The Kennedy Autopsy; The Kennedy Autopsy 2; and Regime Change : The JFK Assassination. FFF has also published JFK’s War with the National-Security Establishment by Douglas Horne (who served on the staff of the Assassination Records Review Board), and CIA & JFK : The Secret Assassination Files by Jefferson Morley (a former investigative reporter for the Washington Post). FFF has also held two conferences relating to JFK, which featured presentations by Oliver Stone, Jeffrey Sachs, Stephen Kinzer, Michael J. Glennon, Ron Paul, Douglas Horne, Jefferson Morley, and others. Videos of the presentations at those conferences can be found in the Multimedia section of FFF’s website:”)—


Items mentioned in / relevant to the interview

  • Douglas P Horne, JFK's War with the National Security Establishment : Why Kennedy was Assassinated, The Future of Freedom Foundation (2014)

  • Douglas P Horne, Video Presentations, JFK's War with the National Security Establishment : Why Kennedy was Assassinated, parts 1 - 7, (2013) (

  • Douglas P Horne, Inside the Assassination Records Review Board : The US Government's Final Attempt to Reconcile the Conflicting Medical Evidence in the Assassination of JFK, Volumes I-V, Douglas P Horne (2009; second printing with corrections 2010)

    • For an expanded table of contents, see link on this page (

    • For appendices of declassified documentation, see (
  • Jacob Hornberger, The Kennedy Autopsy, The Future of Freedom Foundation (2014)

  • James W Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable : Why He Died and Why it Matters, Orbis Books (2008)

  • Michael J Glennon, National Security and Double Government, Oxford University Press (2016)

  • David Talbot, The Devil's Chessboard : Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government, William Collins / HarperCollins (2015)

  • David Talbot, Brothers : The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years, Simon and Schuster (2007)

  • Noam Chomsky, Imperial Ambitions : Conversations with Noam Chomsky on the Post-9/11 World, Hamish Hamilton / Penguin (2005)

  • Noam Chomsky, Rethinking Camelot : JFK, the Vietnam War, and US Political Culture, South End Press (1993) [Chomsky's claim that Kennedy authorised the use of napalm in 1962 can be found on page 51. I mention this because I'm finding it hard to locate an authoritative source to confirm this. There are many educational resources and blogs that also make this claim, but I've yet to find any academic literature (other than Chomsky's book here) or online archival materials that substantiate this claim. I don't disbelieve it, but I do find it odd that it's not easy to verify. If anyone has access to such evidence, please let me know.]

  • CIA: A Study of Assassination, (

  • Stephen R. Weissman: “What Really Happened in Congo : The CIA, the Murder of Lumumba, and the Rise of Mobutu”, Foreign Affairs (2014)

  • Dr Jeanne Mager Stellman: Studies in military herbicide spraying, 1962 - 1970 (

  • Operation Northwoods



  • The views expressed in this podcast by Jacob Hornberger are his responsibility alone. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The image of Jacob Hornberger is Copyright © Jacob Hornberger, all rights reserved, and used here with kind permission.

  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • Podcast artwork (below): "LeMay Cuban Missile Crisis.jpg" [Public Domian] via Wikimedia Commons (; cropped and aspect ratio altered.

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.


TMR 297 : Paul E Marik, MD : Notes

DrPaulMarikPaul E Marik, MD

"Prior to co-founding the FLCCC, Dr Marik was best known for his revolutionary work in developing a life-saving protocol for sepsis, a condition that causes more than 250,000 deaths yearly in the U.S. alone. Dr Marik is an accomplished physician with special knowledge in a diverse set of medical fields, with specific training in Internal Medicine, Critical Care, Neurocritical Care, Pharmacology, Anesthesia, Nutrition, and Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. He is a former tenured Professor of Medicine and Chief of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS) in Norfolk, Virginia. As part of his commitment to research and education, Dr Marik has written over 500 peer-reviewed journal articles, 80 book chapters and authored four critical care books. His efforts have provided him the distinction of the second most published critical care physician in the world. He has been cited over 43,000 times in peer-reviewed publications and has an H-index of 77. He has delivered over 350 lectures at international conferences and visiting professorships. As a result of his contributions, he has been the recipient of numerous teaching awards, including the National Teacher of the Year award by the American College of Physicians in 2017. In January 2022 Dr Marik retired from EVMS to focus on continuing his leadership of the FLCCC and has already co-authored over 10 papers on therapeutic aspects of treating COVID-19. In March 2022 Dr Marik received a commendation by unanimous vote by the Virginia House of Delegates for “his courageous treatment of critically ill COVID-19 patients and his philanthropic efforts to share his effective treatment protocols with physicians around the world.”—FLCCC Alliance


Important Notes


Items mentioned in / relevant to the interview

  • TMR 245 : Dr. Mobeen Syed : Food Supplements & COVID-19

  • TMR 098 : Dr. Stephanie Seneff : On Why The World Must Round-Up Glyphosate

  • Better Way Conference 2023 (

  • Better Way Conference 2022 videos (

  • World Council for Health (

  • Dr John Campbell on Vitamin D dose safety (

  • Dr Robert Cywes—"The Carb Addiction Doc" (

  • On the USDA Food Pyramid (Wikipedia entry: [JC: It seems that the 2005 change was to "MyPyramid"; "MyPlate" followed in 2011. My apologies for the inaccuracy.]

  • UK NHS "Eat Well" guide (

  • Dr Mobeen Syed: "Radical Health Benefits of Autophagy" (

  • Yoshinori Ohsumi (Wikipedia entry:

  • Jason Fung & Jimmy Moore, The Complete Guide to Fasting, Victory Belt (2016)

  • A positive piece on berberine (

  • "The Glucose Goddess" ( [JC: I think this is the person Dr Marik means. Not absolutely sure though.]

  • The story of Angus Barbieri ( [JC: 382 days apparently! Not just a paltry 200.]

  • On shift work and cancer risk (


Acknowledgements & Disclaimer

  • The views expressed in this podcast by Dr Paul E Marik are his responsibility alone. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The image of Dr Marik is Copyright © Dr. Paul E. Marik, all rights reserved, used here with kind permission.

  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • Podcast artwork (below) Copyright © Antony Rotunno, all rights reserved.

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.


TMR 296 : Dr Joshua Rasmussen : Notes

JoshuaRasmussenDr Joshua Rasmussen




Items mentioned in / relevant to the conversation


Email Exchange

Here is the after-show email exchange between Josh and I. As I said at the end of the programme, I felt that I hadn't quite managed to put into words what I was thinking about the Trinity in relation to the ideas explored in the conversation. So I carried on thinking about it over dinner after the interview, and—no doubt inspired by the cauliflower cheese (which was really very good that night)—I emailed Josh and we had the following back and forth.

JC: "Many thanks! BTW, I can't stop wondering about that "Trinity" question. Could it be resolved through seeing the Persons of God as deeper, permanently differentiated aspects of the fundamental substance. I guess it's basically a kind of Barth-style "mode of being" that I have in mind. Using my analogy of the hard drive, could we say that the hard drive is eternally composed of three states of the same substance? (To use the popular imagery, maybe it's a weird hard drive made of water, ice and steam!) In that case, those Persons would be eternal, equal and fully open to each other, whereas I (as a created partition) would be finite,
dependent and relatively closed (in terms of my access to God's own consciousness)."

JR: "The trinity is a vexing topic, and I have my own questions about it. But I like your illustration (a lot), and relates to a way I've tended to think of things (reminds me of Michael Rea's account of the Trinity). Also, this distinction may be handy (and relates to your thought): there is a difference between grounding distinctions in personas via God's *nature* vs. via God's creative *will*. This distinction was suggested to me by Christian philosopher, Joshua Sijuawade, with an article on the Trinity here: Since this came up in our discussion, feel free to share any of these notes or references in the show notes if you think that would be appropriate and helpful. The conversation was definitely among my favorites. You clearly have a deep understanding of the topic, and I loved how you concretized things, too, for the audience—such a gift. Thanks again!"

JC: "Oh good, I'm glad my thoughts make some sense! Yes, I've had many conversations with Jehovah's Witnesses about the Trinity over the years, and I've always found it hard to articulate satisfactorily. Thanks for the article; it doesn't look like a breeze, but it looks fascinating—I'll see how far I get! Thanks, yes, especially if I keep that part of the conversation in which we touch on Trinitarian matters, I would like to share the essence of these email exchanges with listeners... Many thanks for your kind words! In return let me say thank you for your humility and willingness to make very difficult ideas accessible to "ordinary" people. As you know, not all academics are good at that! You are, and I very much admire you for that, and your inspiring work. Many thanks again!"



  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • In accordance with the conditions of the above licence TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything produced by TMR.

  • Slide show image (below) Copyright © Mark Campbell, all rights reserved, adapted and used here with kind permission.


TMR 294 : Andy Jennings : Notes

Andy JenningsAndy Jennings


DP Albums


Previous conversations in this series


Items mentioned in / relevant to the conversation


Mentioned / relevant books

  • Toby Green & Thomas Fazi, The Covid Consensus : The Global Assault on Democracy and the Poor―A Critique from the Left, C Hurst & Co, 2nd edn. (2023)

  • Sheldon Wolin, Democracy Incorporated : Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism, Princeton University Press (2008)

  • Mattias Desmet,The Psychology of Totalitarianism, Chelsea Green (2022)

  • Michael S. Heiser, The Unseen Realm : Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible, Lexham Press (2015)

  • CJ Hopkins, The Rise of the New Normal Reich : Consent Factory Essays, Vol. III, 2020-2021, Consent Factory Publishing (2022)

  • Andrew Klavan, The Truth and Beauty : How the Lives and Works of England's Greatest Poets Point the Way to a Deeper Understanding of the Words of Jesus, Zondervan (2022)

  • Michael Crichton, State of Fear, HarperCollins (2005)



  • Podcast music: "Out of the Cave", Copyright © Dissident Prophet, all rights reserved, used with permission.

  • The image of Andy Jennings (above) is Copyright © Andy Jennings, all rights reserved, used with permission.

  • Podcast artwork (below) Copyright © Mark Campbell, all rights reserved, used with permission.

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.


TMR 293 : James Roguski : Notes

James RoguskiJames Roguski

"James Roguski is a researcher, author, natural health proponent and an activist who believes that the old systems are rightfully crumbling, so we must build their replacements quickly. James uncovered documents regarding proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations and was instrumental in raising awareness about them which resulted in the amendments being rejected. James is now doing everything possible to expose the WHO's hidden agenda behind their proposed "pandemic treaty" as well as the WHO's ongoing attempts to amend the International Health Regulations. James' vision for the future can be summarized by the phrase: "Out of the WHO and in with the NEW."—James Roguski



I particularly recommend David Bell's article on the IHR Amendments and his annotations to the attached PDF at the end. David Bell describes himself as a "former medical officer and scientist at the World Health Organization".


Items mentioned in /relevant to the interview

  • "The Top 100 Reasons to Stop the Treaty, Stop the Amendments and Exit the WHO", (

  • David Bell, "Amendments to WHO’s International Health Regulations: An Annotated Guide (

  • Conceptual Zero Draft Treaty (

  • Zero Draft Treaty CA+ (

  • International Health Regulations (2005) (

  • The World Health Assembly (

  • Working Group on the IHR Amendments (

  • OneHealth High-Level Expert Panel (



  • The image of James Roguski is Copyright © James Roguski, all rights reserved; used here with kind permission.

  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • Podcast artwork (below) by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.


TMR 289 : Dr Paul Greenall : Notes

Paul GreenallDr Paul Greenall

"Whilst we were locked down under CV19 rules, MPs attended parties... Whilst MPs wanted to sack care workers and NHS staff for not getting the jab, I was proud to stand with my NHS colleagues and oppose this... As an independent MP, I will oppose any more CV19 restrictions on our lives, and support a public inquiry into the CV19 response... Party politics is broken, it's time for independents."—Paul Greenall


Items mentioned in (or otherwise relevant to) the conversation



  • The image of Paul Greenall is is Copyright © Paul Greenall, all rights reserved; used here with kind permission.

  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • Podcast slide show image: "Palace of Westminster, London - Feb 2007" by Diliff (CC BY-SA 2.5) via Wikimedia Commons (accessed 18 November 2022 and CC Licence details captured and retained). The slide show image (below) is an altered version of the original, which (since it may therefore be deemed a "new work") is here distributed under the same licence (CC BY-SA 2.5).

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.


TMR 288 : Jeremiah Allen : Notes

JeremiahAllenJeremiah Allen

"Jeremiah is a 42-year-old former US Army soldier and Iraqi war veteran ('04-'05). After leaving military service, he worked as a Computer Network Security Expert for the US Missile Defense Agency. In 2013, he left his lucrative career and relocated his wife & two children to pursue ministry in Belize as an entrepreneur. Jeremiah is passionate about Jesus and sharing the Good News with others by living out the Great Commission in everyday life."



I thought I'd note (for anyone who might be wondering, which I grant might be no one) that I'm not against property dualism. It's just that I'm not currently persuaded that it fits well with a naturalistic worldview. (It may do, so maybe someone could help me with that.) It seems to me rather "convenient" that certain types of complexity (such as the human brain) should actualise a potential for consciousness already latent in the stuff of the universe. Why should that be the case? On naturalism, it seems to me that we should have to say, "Well that's just the way it is", which, to my mind, would leave unexplained why the universe somehow "knew" that we were going to turn up some day. From a theistic perspective, however, this would make more sense (to me at any rate), because that would allow us to understand such a latent property as intended to become active in connection with specific froms of complexity as part of a universal design plan. (And that—to return to the subject discussed in the interview—would leave doubtful that AI would ever meet the specific requirements of that intention.)


Items mentioned in / relevant to the conversation



  • The image of Jeremiah Allen is Copyright © Jeremiah Allen, all rights reserved; used here with kind permission.

  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.

  • Podcast artwork (below) by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)


TMR 286 : Matt Le Tissier : Notes

Matt Le TissierMatt Le Tissier


Some Recent Academic Papers Relevant to Questioing Covid-19 Injection Safety


Items mentioned in / relevant to the interview

  • Jason Jones, "Looking for Le God: The story of Matt Le Tissier’s blasphemous omission from England’s 1998 World Cup squad", via (30 May 2019)

  • "How Good Was Matt Le Tissier Really?", (26 June 2021)

  • Dr John Campbell's video deleted by YouTube (

  • Dr Vinay Prasad, "What does the Thailand Myocarditis Study Teach Us?", Vinay Prasad's Observations and Thoughts (13 August 2022)

  • Fraser Nelson, "The lockdown files: Rishi Sunak on what we weren’t told", The Spectator (27 August 2022)

  • Craig Murray, "How the Establishment Functions", (03 February 2022)

  • "Ex-England star Matt Le Tissier is blasted for sharing anti-vaccine conspiracy theories amid fears online propaganda is fuelling footballers' Covid jab concerns", Mail Online (12 November 2021)

  • Paul Knaggs, "Sir Keir Starmer: The Trilateral Commission and Jeffrey Epstein", Labour Heartlands (24 February 2020)

  • The Crisis of Democracy, The Trilateral Commision (1975) (Wikpiedia entry: [JC: To get the gist, look at this comment and these quotes from the document: "The report observed the political state of the United States, Europe and Japan, and says that in the United States the problems of governance "stem from an excess of democracy" and thus advocates "to restore the prestige and authority of central government institutions."

  • TA Frank, "Jeffrey Epstein and the Decline of the American Expermient", Vanity Fair (04 December 2018)

  • Mark Crispin Miller's News from Underground, currently featuring a series called "In Memory of" (

  • "Sergio Aguero Reveals Threat of Heart Attack Prior to Retirement and Discusses Uncertainty Over Covid Vaccine or Virus Impact", (22 February 2022)


Some Related Resources at TMR


Acknowledgements & Disclaimer

  • Many thanks to Brian (again!) for arranging the interview.

  • The opinions expressed by Matt Le Tissier are his responsibility alone; they do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The image of Matt Le Tissier (above) is Copyright © Matthew Paul Le Tissier, all rights reserved, and used by TMR with kind permission.

  • Podcast music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • Podcast artwork (below) adapted from the image provided by Matt Le Tissier.

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.


TMR 284 : Pastor Stephen Buckley : Notes

Steve BuckleyPastor Stephen Buckley

Born on the mission field in Asia, Stephen grew up in a family of teachers and preachers. He has previously been part of church-planting leadership and is presently pastor of My King Church in Greater Manchester where he resides with his wife and three children. Learn more at


Items mentioned in / relevant to the interview


Acknowledgements & Disclaimer

  • The opinions expressed by Stephen Buckley are his responsibility alone; they do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The image of Stephen Buckley (above) is Copyright © Stephen Buckley, all rights reserved, and used by TMR with kind permission.

  • Podcast music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.

  • Podcast artwork (below) by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)


TMR 283 : Dr Piers Robinson : Notes

Piers RobinsonDr Piers Robinson

Dr Piers Robinson is a co-director of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies and was Chair/Professor in Politics, Society and Political Journalism, University of Sheffield, 2016-2019, Senior Lecturer in International Politics (University of Manchester 2010-2016) and Lecturer in Political Communication (University of Liverpool, 1999-2005). He researches and writes on propaganda, media, international politics and conflict.


Items mentioned in / relevant to the interview

Acknowledgements, Copyright & Disclaimers

  • The opinions expressed by Dr Piers Robinson are his responsibility alone; they do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • All images of Piers Robinson are Copyright © Piers Robinson, all rights reserved, and used by TMR with kind permission.

  • Podcast music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • Slide show image (below): Copyright © 2020 Anthony Freda, all rights reserved; used by TMR with kind permission. (Please listen to our interview with artist and activist Anthony Freda.)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.


TMR 281 : Adeyinka Makinde : Interview Notes

Adeyinka MakindeAdeyinka Makinde

Adeyinka Makinde trained for the law as a barrister. He lectures in criminal law and public law at a university in London, UK, and has an academic research interest in intelligence & security matters. He is a contributor to a number of websites for which he has written essays and commentaries on international relations, politics and military history. He has served as a programme consultant and provided expert commentary for BBC World Service Radio, China Radio International and the Voice of Russia.


Items of particular note


Other items mentioned in  / relevant to the conversation

[For those concerned by the number of Wikipedia references, please note that these are given simply for convenience, not because TMR can vouch for the accuracy of any of the entries. Interested listeners are advised to use these links as beginning points only, reading critically and in conjunction with other sources of information.]


Acknowledgements, Copyright & Disclaimers

  • The opinions expressed by Adeyinka Makinde are his responsibility alone; they do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • All images of Adeyinka Makinde are Copyright © Adeyinka Makinde, all rights reserved, and used by TMR with kind permission.

  • Podcast music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.

  • Podcast artwork (below) by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)


TMR 280 : Dr Paul Craig Roberts : Interview Notes

Henry HildebrandtDr Paul Craig Roberts

"In addition to having held numerous senior academic positions in universities, Dr. Roberts was an associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal, and was appointed by US President Reagan as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during Reagan's first term in office, following which he served as a consultant to both the US Department of Defense and the US Department of Commerce. Dr. Roberts is now the Chairman of the The Institute for Political Economy.


Items of Particular Note


Other items mentioned in  / relevant to the conversation


Acknowledgements, Copyright & Disclaimers

  • The opinions expressed by Paul Craig Roberts are his responsibility alone; they do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • All images of Paul Craig Roberts are Copyright © Paul Craig Roberts, all rights reserved, and used by TMR with kind permission.

  • Podcast music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.

  • Podcast artwork (below) by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)


TMR 279 : Dr Colin Alexander : Notes

Henry HildebrandtDr Colin Alexander

"Dr Colin Alexander is Senior Lecturer in Political Communications within the School of Arts and Humanities. He works in Communication and Society subject team
and contributes teaching to the BA Joint Honours Humanities, BA Media Communication and Culture and the MA Media and Globalisation degree programmes."


Colin Alexander's work on Coronavirus Propaganda


Other items mentioned in / relevant to the interview


Acknowledgements, Copyright & Disclaimers

  • The opinions expressed by Colin Alexander are his responsibility alone; they do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • All images of Colin Alexander are Copyright © Colin Alexander, all rights reserved, and used by TMR with kind permission.

  • Podcast music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • Slide show image: "Daddy, what did You do in the Great War?", UK Parliamentary Recruiting Committee [Public Domain] via Wikimedia Commons (slightly altered)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.


TMR 278 : Pastor Henry Hildebrandt : Notes

Henry HildebrandtPastor Henry Hildebrandt


Items mentioned in / relevant to the conversation


Acknowledgements, Copyright & Disclaimers

  • The opinions expressed by Pastor Henry Hildebrandt are his responsibility alone; they do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • All images of Henry Hildebrandt (above and below) are Copyright © Henry Hildebrandt, all rights reserved, and used by TMR with kind permission.

  • Podcast music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.


TMR 277 : David Charalambous : Notes

PhillSacreDavid Charalambous

"David is the founder of Reaching People. His background involves 25 years consulting to multinational clients and one on one with individuals from all walks of life. These include mums and dads through to athletes, high performers and business leaders. David has been fortunate to work with notable people; one interesting project related to sustainable communities and included Bruce Lipton and Graeme Sait (sustainable farming expert). David skills include NLP, EFT, General Semantics, System Theory, Process Mapping, Dynamics and Communication. He has built a unique model of communication bringing together models form numerous fields to form unique and simple-to-explain systems. These models have been shown to various experts globally and have been recognised in providing significant value in understanding human behaviour, especially as it relates to communication. This allows for the development of powerful messaging and creates the conditions for successful dialogue."—Reaching People


Items mentioned in / relevant to the conversation


Acknowledgements, Copyright & Disclaimers

  • The opinions expressed by David Charalambous are his responsibility alone; they do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The image of David Charalambous (above) is Copyright © David Charalambous, all rights reserved, and used by TMR with kind permission.

  • Podcast music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.

  • Podcast artwork (below) by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)


TMR 276 : Cory Zue : Notes

PhillSacreCory Zue

"Hi, I'm Cory. I'm a software developer and entrepreneur. I also write occasionally. These days I mostly work on SaaS Pegasus: the Django SaaS boilerplate. I also made Place Card Me—what I hope is the best way to make printable place cards on the internet. My website originated during a six-month sabbatical I took from my day job where I tried to launch a profitable product. I also write occasionally about building software. Oh, and I'm a one-man open startup. From 2007-2017 I served as CTO of Dimagi and led the team that builds its flagship product: CommCare. I'm now an advisor to the organization."—Cory Zue


Items mentioned in / relevant to the conversation



  • The opinions expressed by Cory Zue are his responsibility alone; they do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The image of Cory Zue (above) is Copyright © Cory Zue, all rights reserved, and used by TMR with kind permission.

  • Podcast music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.

  • Podcast artwork (below) by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)


TMR 271 : Rev Phill Sacre : Notes


Rev Phill Sacre

“Phill is a Christian minister. He is ordained in the Church of England and spends about two days a week in a parish on the Essex coast. The rest of the time he works on his online ministries: Understand the Bible and Sacred Musings : Making Sense of the World from a Christian Perspective.”


  • Please note that nothing said in this conversation is medical advice.

  • Please also note that my statement about COVID-19 vaccination and conscience is an entirely personal matter. I am making no comment about anyone else's decision to be COVID-19 vaccinated.

  • I also think I should clarify that, when I say some may feel that the government has been put in place by God, I am referring to a particular theological view that I do not share, and that my comment was specific to the issue of Civil Religion (which I consider to be a distortion of true spirituality).



Items mentioned in / relevant to the conversationsNoPlans

Acknowledgements & Disclaimer

  • The opinions expressed by Rev Phill Sacre are his responsibility alone; they do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The image of Phill Sacre (above) is Copyright © Phill Sacre, all rights reserved, and used by TMR with kind permission.

  • Podcast music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.

TMR 270 : Philip Kraske : Notes

Philip KraskePhilip Kraske

"I was born in Detroit, lived my formative years in Ohio and Minnesota, and stayed in America long enough to get in the basic rituals of high school and college. I graduated from the U of Minnesota/Twin Cities with a B.A. in International Relations. I settled permanently in Madrid in the 80s and keep my bread buttered by teaching English courses on a freelance basis in Spanish companies.  I give an hour, maybe two, of class, then pack up my briefcase and leave behind my students clinched to their computer screens; I can never be too grateful to teaching.  I usually have just one or two classes in the morning, then sit down to write between the hours of 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. (the Spanish lunch hour), since at that time Spaniards are too busy raising company profits to ponder the mysteries of the verb Get. I also publish satirical verse – op-eds, really – about domestic and international politics, on my own and different progressive websites in the U.S. I used to write normal op-eds, but branched into this new form a few years ago and enjoy it much more."—Philip Kraske



[Please be aware that this book contains "strong language" and material of a sexual nature.]


Items mentioned in / relevant to the interview



  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • Image of the author Copyright © Philip Kraske, all rights reserved; used with permission.

  • In accordance with the conditions of the above permissions TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything produced by TMR.

  • Podcast artwork (below) by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)


TMR 269 : Sophia Rose : Interview Notes


Sophia Rose ("FiFi")

Items mentioned in the interview


Acknowledgements & Disclaimers

  • The opinions expressed by Sophia Rose are her responsibility alone; they do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The image of Sophia Rose (above) is Copyright © Sophia Rose, all rights reserved, and used by TMR with kind permission.

  • Podcast music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.

  • Podcast artwork (below) by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)

 ASITP Slider

TMR 268 : Diny Fielder-van Kleeff : Interview Notes


Vaccine Control Group

"The Vaccine Control Group is a worldwide independent long-term study that is seeking to provide a baseline of data from unvaccinated individuals for comparative analysis with the vaccinated population, to evaluate the success of the Covid-19 mass vaccination programme and assist future research projects. This study is not, and will never be, associated with any pharmaceutical enterprise as its impartiality is of paramount importance. The VaxControlGroup is a community cooperative, for the people. All monies raised will be re-invested into the project and its community."—VaxControlGroup

Diny Fielder-van Kleeff

"Diny previously worked as a corporate IT trainer and web designer before leaving to have children. She is currently a home-educating mum to two of her three daughters and a creative writing teacher, author and poet, although most of her writing work has been put on hold due to the commitments of the Control Group."—Diny


Items mentioned in / relevant to the interview

  • This is the article that was originally published in The Conservative Woman magazine (not written by Diny) as cached by The Wayback Machine (

    • JC: For some reason, the editors at The Conservative Woman seemed to think that Diny had written the article, as they explicitly credit her as the author. It is therefore understandable (at least initially) why Hugo thought that she had written it. However, in our interview Diny explains that she was not, in fact, the author.

Disclaimer and Acknowledgements

  • Please note that this interview does not, strictly speaking, constitute an endorsement of the Vaccine Control Group by The Mind Renewed. (My personal view is that I find their work intriguiging and believe that the study could turn out to be very important. Therefore I encourage people to listen to the interview, read the explanations on the VaxControlGroup website and make a personal decision as to whether or not to take part in the study.)
  • The opinions expressed by Diny Fielder-van Kleeff are her responsibility alone; they do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The image of Diny Fielder-van Kleeff (above) is Copyright © Diny Fielder-van Kleeff, all rights reserved, and used by TMR with kind permission.

  • Podcast music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.

  • Podcast artwork (below) by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)


TMR 267 : Rev Phill Sacre : Notes


Rev Phill Sacre

“Phill is a Christian minister. He is ordained in the Church of England and spends about two days a week in a parish on the Essex coast. The rest of the time he works on his online ministries: Understand the Bible and Phill Sacre : Making Sense of the World from a Christian Perspective.”


Items mentioned in / relevant to the conversations


Acknowledgements & Disclaimer

  • The opinions expressed by Rev Phill Sacre are his responsibility alone; they do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The image of Phill Sacre (above) is Copyright © Phill Sacre, all rights reserved, and used by TMR with kind permission.

  • Podcast music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.

  • Podcast artwork (below) by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)


TMR 264 & 265 : Programme Notes


Dr Peter A McCullough

"Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and Professor of Medicine at Texas A & M College of Medicine, Dallas, TX USA. Since the outset of the pandemic, Dr. McCullough has been a leader in the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster and has published “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection” the first synthesis of sequenced multidrug treatment of ambulatory patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the American Journal of Medicine and subsequently updated in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. He has 40 peer-reviewed publications on the infection and has commented extensively on the medical response to the COVID-19 crisis in TheHill and on FOX NEWS Channel. On November 19, 2020, Dr. McCullough testified in the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and throughout 2021 in the Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, Colorado General Assembly, and New Hampshire Senate concerning many aspects of the pandemic response."

Professor of Medicine, Texas A & M College of Medicine
Board Certified Internist and Cardiologist
President Cardiorenal Society of America
Editor-in-Chief, Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine
Editor-in-Chief, Cardiorenal Medicine
Senior Associate Editor, American Journal of Cardiology


 John Leake

"Born in Dallas, Texas, John Leake studied history and philosophy with Sir Roger Scruton at Boston University. After moving to Austria on a graduate scholarship, he remained in Vienna for over a decade working as a freelance writer and translator. His first book, Entering Hades: The Double Life of a Serial Killer, was a New York Times Sunday Book Review "Editors' Choice," a Men's Vogue "Best Book of 2007," and the inspiration for The Infernal Comedy, starring John Malkovich. A film adaption of Entering Hades, starring Michael Fassbender, is currently in preproduction.

His second book, Cold a Long Time: An Alpine Mystery, won the 2012 Independent Publisher Award, and the German translation, Eiskalter Tod, received extensive media coverage in Austria and became a bestseller. His investigative work for the Jack Unterweger, Duncan MacPherson, and Angelika Foeger stories has been the subject of numerous television documentaries produced by A&E Biography, Discovery, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's "Fifth Estate," and the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation's "Am Schauplatz Gericht."


Important Notes

  • Nothing said in these podcasts should be understood as medical advice.

  • Please consult your doctor before taking any medications or making any changes to your diet by way of supplementation.


Items mentioned in / relevant to the two podcasts


Acknowledgements & Disclaimer

  • The opinions expressed by Dr Peter A McCullough and John Leake in these interviews are their responsibility alone; they do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The images of Dr Peter A McCullough and John Leake are Copyright 20201 © John Leake, all rights reserved, and used by TMR with kind permission.

  • Podcast music: Moment of Green and Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • The audio included in TMR 265 is Copyright 20201 © John Leake, all rights reserved, and used by TMR with kind permission.

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.

  • Podcast artwork (below) Copyright © Mark Campbell, all rights reserved, and used with kind permission.


TMR 263 : Jeremiah Allen : Interview Notes


Jeremiah Allen

"Jeremiah is a 41-year-old former US Army soldier and Iraqi war veteran ('04-'05). After leaving military service, he worked as a Computer Network Security Expert for the US Missile Defense Agency. In 2013, he left his lucrative career and relocated his wife & two children to pursue ministry in Belize as an entrepreneur. Jeremiah is passionate about Jesus and sharing the Good News with others by living out the Great Commission in everyday life."


Items mentioned in the conversation



  • The image of Jeremiah Allen is Copyright © Jeremiah Allen, all rights reserved; used here with kind permission.

  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.

  • Podcast artwork (below) by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)


TMR 260 & 261 : Dr M R. X. Dentith : Interview Notes


Dr M R. X. Dentith

"M R. X. Dentith, PhD (Auckland), is the author of The Philosophy of Conspiracy Theories (Palgrave, 2014), the first single-author book-length treatment of the philosophical issues surrounding conspiracy theory, and editor of Taking Conspiracy Theories Seriously (Rowman and Littlefield, 2018), an edited collection of the most recent work on conspiracy theory theory. They have been a Fellow in the Institute for Research in the Humanities (ICUB) at the University of Bucharest and the New Europe College in Bucharest, and they are currently Associate Professor in the International Center for Philosophy at Beijing Normal University. Their current research project focuses on conspiracy theory, conspiracy theory theory, and secrecy."



Items recommended by M R. X. Dentith (as giving a taste of the discussed book's contents)



Other items mentioned in / relevant to the conversation


Acknowledgements & Disclaimer

  • The views expressed in this podcast by Dr M R. X. Dentith are their responsibility alone. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The image of Dr Dentith (above) is Copyright ©  Dr M R. X. Dentith, all rights reserved; used here with kind permission.

  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.

  • Podcast artworks (below) by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)



TMR 259 : Dr Malcalm B Splead : Interview Notes

DrMalcalmBSpleadDr Malcalm B. Splead

"Dr Malcalm B. Splead is Head of Snow Studies in the University of Devizes, UK. Despite leaving school at the age of sixteen with only one qualification—a City and Guilds Certificate Level 1 in Home Economics*—Malcalm quickly matured into one of the most outstanding scientists of his generation, completing a BSc in Snow Studies (First Class Hons) in just three weeks and writing up for a PhD on the theory of the snowosphere in an incredible two months. After a three-year postdoc at the Technical University in Swanage (Dorset) in which he worked on various methods of weighing snow at different altitudes, Malcalm was appointed as Head of Snow Studies at Devizes in 1998. Dr Malcalm is widely acknowledged to be one of the few top experts in the world on the snowosphere."

[* Dr Malcalm would also like to add that he almost passed his Cycling Proficiency Test.]


Special Educational Resource


Items mentioned in / relevant to the interviewDrSpleadAtWork

  • International Association of Cryospheric Sciences (

  • Met Office (

  • US National Snow & Ice Data Center (

  • Fredrick T. Morris & Edwin Judd, The Snowoshere Hypothesis, Oxford University Press (1854)

  • Sebastian Hardwick & Bartholemew C. Mayer, The Snowosphere Observed, Brill (1957)

  • Cynthia K. Goodman, The Unspoken Sphere and the Mathematics of Infinity, STUP (Swanage Technical University Press) (1948)

  • Cynthia K. Goodman, "Weight and Unweight : the Mathematics of Snow as Antimatter", in Malcalm B. Splead & Iain C. Flake, New Approaches in Snow Studies, University of Devizes Press (1989), pp. 126 - 144

  • Thorn, Colin (1978). "The Geomorphic Role of Snow", Annals of the Association of American Geographers

  • Iain M. Livermore, ed., An Introduction to Snow Studies, OUP (2009)

  • Zawadski et al, "Snow Studies. Part I : A Study of Natural Variability of Snow Terminal Velocity", American Meterological Society (May 2010)

  • Szyrmer & Zawadski, "Snow Studies. Part II: Average Relationship between Mass of Snowflakes and Their Terminal Fall Velocity", American Meterological Society (October 2010)

  • Devizes - Wiltshire's Hidden Gem (

  • City & Guilds (

  • Cycling Proficiency Test UK (

  • April Fools' Day (


Special Thanks



  • Podcast music by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)

  • The images of Dr Malcalm B. Splead are Copyright © Dean Jordan, all rights reserved; used with kind permission.

  • Podcast image (below) by Mark Campbell and Julian Charles (CC BY-NC 4.0)


Special Note

  • Listeners concerned about the verisimilitude of the information in this particular podcast are kindly advised to consult the publication date.


TMR 257 : Dr. Mobeen Syed (& Loofy) : Notes


Dr. Mobeen Syed DonkeyImportens

"Mobeen Syed M.D, MS graduated from King Edward Medical University in 1994. After practicing clinical medicine for a few years, he continued his studies in Computer Science with the goal of merging innovative technologies and healthcare. Dr. Mobeen's dedication for teaching began at Horizon Medical Institute, where he and his world-renowned brother Dr. Najeeb focused on teaching basic sciences to medical students. Dr. Mobeen's unique skillset as a physician and software engineer enabled him to innovate several products, including a portable 3D ultrasound system designed by MediTeQ RI. His experience as a high tech executive includes time at Staples, Kohl's, Rue Lala, Gemvara, TJX, and most recently e-commerce giant, PayPal. Dr. Mobeen's dedication to innovative and pioneering medical education has been a mainstay in his life. At Drbeen corp, he strives to create a managed marketplace for medical providers that enables them to learn medicine in conjunction with new technologies. Dr. Mobeen loves painting, music, medical illustrations, teaching, reading, and playing ping-pong. Dr. Mobeen, his wife Hina and his two sons currently live in the heart of Silicon Valley, Cupertino, California."—from

Important Notes


IVM InTheGap

Items mentioned in / relevant to the conversation


Acknowledgements & Disclaimer

  • The views expressed in this podcast by Dr. Mobeen Syed are his responsibility alone. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The image of Dr. Syed (above) and all other images on this webpage are Copyright ©, all rights reserved; used here with kind permission.

  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from his Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.

  • Podcast artwork (below) Copyright ©, all rights reserved; used here with kind permission.


TMR 254 : Prof. Paul E. Marik, M.D. : Interview Notes


Professor Paul E. Marik, M.D.

"Dr. Marik received his medical degree from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. He was an ICU attending at Baragwanath Hospital, in Soweto, South Africa. During this time he obtained a Master of Medicine Degree, Bachelor of Science Degree in Pharmacology, Diploma in Anesthesia as well as a Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Dr Marik did a Critical Care Fellowship in London, Ontario, Canada, during which time he was admitted as a Fellow to the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeon of Canada. Dr Marik has worked in various teaching hospitals in the US since 1992. He is board certified in Internal Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, Neurocritical Care and Nutrition Science. Dr Marik is currently Professor of Medicine and Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia. Dr Marik has written over 450 peer reviewed journal articles, 80 book chapters and authored four critical care books. He is also the second-most published Critical Care doctor in the world."


Important Notes


The FLCCC Alliance Protocols (and supporting documentation)

Items mentioned in / relevant to the interview

  • "Emergency Use Authorization for Vaccines Explained", FDA (

    • "An Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is a mechanism to facilitate the availability and use of medical countermeasures, including vaccines, during public health emergencies, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. Under an EUA, FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions when certain statutory criteria have been met, including that there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives." [emphasis added]

 EVMS WhatHasWorked 03Nov2020

Acknowledegements & Disclaimer

  • The views expressed in this podcast by Dr. Paul E. Marik are his responsibility alone. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The image of Dr. Marik is Copyright © Dr. Paul E. Marik, all rights reserved, used here with kind permission.

  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • All images of figures and tables included on this page are Copyright © Paul E. Marik, MD, all rights reserved, and reproduced here with kind permission.

  • Podcast artwork (below) adapted from "Phases of COVID-19 infection" graphic in "Treatment of COVID-19 is critically phase specific" by Paul E. Marik, Joseph Varon & Pierre Kory, Copyright © FLCCC (, all rights reserved, used with kind permission.

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.


TMR 253 : James Corbett : Interview Notes


James Corbett


Items mentioned in / relevant to the interview



  • The views expressed in this podcast by James Corbett are his responsibility alone. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from his Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • Slide show image (below) is a "new work" entitled "DrDrDrDrDrSchwab" and is a derivative of "Special Address: Klaus Schwab" by World Economic Forum on Flickr, used under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. "DrDrDrDrDrSchwab" is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 by The Mind Renewed.

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.


TMR 250 & 251 : Michael Flournoy : Interview Notes


Michael Flournoy




A few items relevant to the conversation



  • The views expressed in this podcast by Michael Flournoy are his responsibility alone. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The image of Michael Flournoy is Copyright © Michael Flournoy, all rights reserved, used here with kind permission.

  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from his Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • Slide show image (below) Copyright © 2020 Mark Campbell, all rights reserved, used with kind permission.

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.


TMR 247 & 248 : Dr. J. Michael Bennett : Notes


Dr. J. Michael Bennett


Items mentioned in / relevant to the conversations

[JC: Please note that I have included a large number of Wikipedia entries on this page purely for convenience. I (and Philip Cross) are aware of Wikipedia's many shortcomings, especially on matters political and controversial, so please understand that I'm including these links simply to serve as a "a first port of call" for looking into things.]



  • The views expressed in this podcast by Dr. J. Michael Bennett are his responsibility alone. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The image of Dr. Bennett is Copyright © Dr. J. Michael Bennett, all rights reserved, used here with kind permission.

  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from his Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • Slide show image from the book cover Copyright ©, used with permission of the author.

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.

TMR 246 : Dr. Simone Gold : Notes


Dr. Simone Gold

  • The Gold Opinion : Facts Lead, Opinions Follow - Five Minutes with a Doctor-Lawyer - Conventional Wisdom Debunked  (

"Simone Gold, MD, JD, FABEM, is a board certified emergency physician. She graduated from Chicago Medical School before attending Stanford University Law School to earn her Juris Doctorate degree. She completed her residency in Emergency Medicine at Stony Brook University Hospital in New York. Dr. Gold worked in Washington D.C. for the Surgeon General, as well as for the Chairman of the Labor & Human Resources Committee. She works as an emergency physician on the frontlines whether or not there is a pandemic. Her clinical work serves all Americans: from urban-inner city, to suburban, to the IHS. Her legal work has focused on conflicts between hospitals and insurers. She writes on a number of policy issues relating to law and medicine. She always leads with the facts."—(from Dr. Gold's website)


Important Notes

  • Nothing said in this podcast should be understood as medical advice. Please consult your doctor before taking any medications.

  • Please also understand that, although Dr. Gold suggests legally obtaining hydroxychloroquine in advance of contracting COVID-19, she does NOT recommend taking it without a doctor's supervision.


Update (05.07.2020):

  • A listener kindly drew my attention this clinical trial——with the title: "A Randomized Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc in Combination With Either Azithromycin or Doxycycline for the Treatment of COVID-19 in the Outpatient Setting". To my untrained eye, it looks hopeful. The doses look reasonable (to me), zinc is included and the study is in an outpatient setting, so prior to hospitalisation. When the results are published (possibly near December 31, 2020), I hope that this study will receive the same kind of media attention as those we discussed in the interview. (Thank you, Pauline, for sending the link.)

Items mentioned in / relevant to the conversation


Acknowledgements & Disclaimer

  • The views expressed in this podcast by Dr. Simone Gold are her responsibility alone. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The image of Dr. Gold is Copyright ©  Dr. Simone Gold, all rights reserved; used here with kind permission.

  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from his Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.

  • Podcast artwork (below) by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)


TMR 245 : Dr. Mobeen Syed : Notes


Dr. Mobeen Syed

"Mobeen Syed M.D, MS graduated from King Edward Medical University in 1994. After practicing clinical medicine for a few years, he continued his studies in Computer Science with the goal of merging innovative technologies and healthcare. Dr. Mobeen's dedication for teaching began at Horizon Medical Institute, where he and his world-renowned brother Dr. Najeeb focused on teaching basic sciences to medical students. Dr. Mobeen's unique skillset as a physician and software engineer enabled him to innovate several products, including a portable 3D ultrasound system designed by MediTeQ RI. His experience as a high tech executive includes time at Staples, Kohl's, Rue Lala, Gemvara, TJX, and most recently e-commerce giant, PayPal. Dr. Mobeen's dedication to innovative and pioneering medical education has been a mainstay in his life. At Drbeen corp, he strives to create a managed marketplace for medical providers that enables them to learn medicine in conjunction with new technologies. Dr. Mobeen loves painting, music, medical illustrations, teaching, reading, and playing ping-pong. Dr. Mobeen, his wife Hina and his two sons currently live in the heart of Silicon Valley, Cupertino, California."—from

Important Notes

  • Nothing said in this podcast should be understood as medical advice.

  • Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet by way of supplementation.

  • It is my understanding that the doses for food supplements described in this conversation apply to adults, not to children.


A few Drbeen Lectures (for more detail)

(Please only follow these links if you are happy for YouTube to place cookies on your computer.)


Items mentioned in / relevant to the conversation

[JC: Please note that none of these links is endorsed by Dr. Syed. They are simply links to materials I used in preparing the interview.]


Acknowledgements & Disclaimer

  • The views expressed in this podcast by Dr. Mobeen Syed are his responsibility alone. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • The image of Dr. Syed is Copyright ©, all rights reserved, used here with kind permission.

  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from his Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.

  • Podcast artwork (below) by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)


TMR 242 : Patrick M. Wood : Interview Notes

PatrickWoodPatrick M. Wood

Patrick M. Wood is an author and lecturer who has stud­ied elite globalisation policies since the late 1970s, when he partnered with the late Antony C. Sutton to co-author Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II. An economist by education, a financial analyst and writer by profession, and an Amer­ican Constitutionalist by choice, Wood maintains a biblical worldview and has deep historical insights into modern attacks on sovereignty, property rights and personal freedom. A frequent speaker on radio shows around the U.S., Wood's cur­rent work centres in Technocracy, Transhumanism and Scientism, and how these are transforming global economics, politics and religion. As he says, the endgame is scientific dictatorship; we ignore it our peril.

Books by Patrick M. Wood

Items mentioned in / relevant to the interview

Previous TMR interviews especially relevant to this conversation

Acknowledgements & Disclaimer

  • The views expressed in this podcast by Patrick M. Wood are his responsibility alone. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mind Renewed.

  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from his Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • Slide show image (below): Copyright © 2020 Anthony Freda, all rights reserved, used here with kind permission. (Please listen to our interview with artist and activist Anthony Freda.)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything published by TMR.


TMR 236 : Dr. John H. Walton : The Lost World of the Flood

JohnHWaltonDr. John H. Walton

John H. Walton (PhD, Hebrew Union College) is professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College and Graduate School, Illinois. His primary interest is in comparisons between the Old Testament and other Ancient Near East literature. Previously, he was professor of Old Testament at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago for twenty years.

Walton's career has been characterised by a passion to show students and readers the importance of learning the Bible: "I am saddened by how little exposure to, and understanding of, the Old Testament many Christians have, but I am passionate in doing whatever I can do to remedy this spiritual and theological loss."

Walton has published extensively, and some of his books include: The Lost World of Scripture (co-authored with D. Brent Sandy), The Lost World of Genesis One, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament, The Essential Bible Companion, Genesis (NIV Application Commentary) and The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament (with Victor H. Matthews and Mark W. Chavalas).

Walton's ministry also extends to church classes for all-age groups, high school Bible studies and adult Sunday school classes. John and his wife, Kim, live in Wheaton, Illinois, and have three adult children.WaltonFlood


Dr. Tremper Longman III

Tremper Longman III (PhD, Yale University) is Distinguished Scholar of Biblical Studies at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California. He is also visiting professor of Old Testament at Seattle School of Theology and Psychology and adjunct of Old Testament at Fuller TheologicalSeminary. He lectures regularly at Regent College in Vancouver and the Canadian Theological Seminary in Calgary.

Longman is the author or co-author of over twenty books, including How to Read Genesis, How to Read the Psalms, How to Read Proverbs, Literary Approaches to Biblical Interpretation, Old Testament Essentials,and co-editor of A Complete Literary Guide to the Bible. He and Dan Allender have co-authored Bold Love, Cry of the Soul, Intimate Allies, The Intimate Mystery, and the Intimate Marriage Bible studies.




Items mentioned in / relevant to the conversation



  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from his Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything produced by TMR.

  • Slide show image (below) by The Mind Renewed (CC BY-NC 4.0)


TMR 235 : Keith Giles : Notes


Keith Giles




Items mentioned in / relevant to the conversation

  • Eberhart Arnold, The Early Christians : In Their Own Words, Plough (2014)

  • Wolfgang Simpson, Houses that Change the World : The Return of the House Churches, Authentic Lifestyle (2001)

  • Robert & Julian Banks, The Church Comes Home : Building Community and Mission in Church Homes, Hendrickson (1997)

  • Jim Belcher, Deep Church : A Third Way Beyond Emerging and Traditional, InterVarsity Press (2009)



  • Podcast theme music: Chillout Me by Antony Raijekov from his Jazz U album (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • Slide show image (below) Copyright © Keith Giles, all rights reserved; adapted and used here with kind permission.

  • TMR wishes to state that the fact that these creative materials appear in TMR productions should in no way be understood as implying that its creators endorse anything produced by TMR.




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