MartinErdmann1We are joined again by theologian Dr. Martin Erdmann, former Professor of Philosophy at North Greenville University and Director of the Verax Institute in Greer, South Carolina. In this second of two interviews on the subject of Technocracy and the Smart Grid, Dr. Erdmann introduces the Smart Grid, an energy distribution, allocation, monitoring and control infrastructure which is being quietly constructed across the globe, and which threatens to be the long-awaited tool of Technocracy in its utopian dream to forge a perfect world order. But the crucial step will be that we uncritically welcome the Smart Meter into our homes. Replete with enticements, and apparently benign, the WiFi-enabled Smart Meter will eventually communicate with every appliance in the home, always making the most rational and energy-efficient choices based on computer algorithms programmed according to political policies aimed at steadily reducing the power consumption of the monitored populations. But in so doing, it will usher in a world in which citizen privacy, consumer control, and ultimately freedom will be things of the past.

 [Henri Saint-Simon, Auguste Comte, Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy, Julian Huxley, The Humanist Frame, M. King Hubbert, Howard Scott, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, James Lovelock, Gaia, Smart Grid, Smart Meter, New World Order, IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEC, International Electrotechnical Commission, UNEP, United Nations Environment Programme, Davos, World Economic Forum, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Stimulus Package, green religion, organicism, Club of Rome, Internet of Things, IoT, Fusion Centers, Grid Friendly Appliance Controller, James Corbett]

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