
"Ex-Libyan rebel Belhadj can sue UK for 'role in kidnap' ", Aljazeera (18 January 2017)

Subsequent to the TMR interview with the lawyer Adeyinka Makinde, in which we talked about the case of Abdelhakim Belhadj and the alleged implication of the UK government in his kidnapping and "extraordinary rendition" (=torture), the UK Supreme Court has rejected the UK government's attempt to block legal action against itself on the grounds of state immunity. Whatever we might think of Belhadj as a person is irrelevant; this is good news (so far) for the "rule of law" that the British government says it's so keen on (when it suits its purposes).

"In the result, state immunity is no bar to the claims, and the appellants have not, on the assumed facts, shown
any entitlement to rely on the doctrine of foreign act of state to defeat the present proceedings. The appeals are dismissed and the cases may proceed to trial."—UK Supreme Court

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