Neph22Is a bee that identifies as a bee no longer a fish? How many covid boosters do you need to avoid a traffic accident? What's the difference between a lettuce and a UK Prime Minister? And will Frank Bot raise enough cash through this evening's kickstarter to fund their/prosecute/Fauci engineering research project to equip size-Z prosthetic breasts with helium-filled parachutes in the interests of air safety?

These (and other vitally important questions) are answered as we kick off 2023 here at TMR with our annual New Year's Eve show—a crazy roundtable chat with high-ranking members of The Fireside Nephilim Chaps secret society.ViroDonate

Join us—Jenifer Thyssen (classical singer), Crusy (Like Flint Radio), Frank Johnson (prosthetic parachute engineer), Frank Bot (A.I. prosthetic parachute engineer ), Mark Campbell (snowman spy), Oscar (the eighteen-year-old three-year-old), The Right Honourable Rishi Sunak, MP (the UK's selected "Prime Minister") and Yours Truly—as we put aside the cares of this world for just over an hour and debate every issue imaginable to the human mind in aid of Frank's latest skientific research.

Be there, or be square.

 (Download Podcast - HQ 128 kbps)

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[bees, fish, beer, road safety, lettuce, Elon Musk, size Z, Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss, Trump, The Young Ones]



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